UFORadiant translation
Hi, can try this:
Import Map - 导入。。地图
Export Region - 导出。。区域
Processing - 处理当中。。。
Always use nodraw for new brushes - 新部件总是不更新画面(nodraw)
Then, i think the translation for "Brush" should not be "部件" but "画笔"
Discrete movement -should be 谨慎的移动 or 不引人注意的移动
_About -关于。。。
_Plugins -插件工具
_View - 观看
_Tools - 工具
not too sure what is Pa_rent,Vie_w and all the X-y and stuff -someone with radiant knowledge let us know pls?
_off - 关闭
_Set XY -设定XY
_Grid - 导航线 /格子
All the Grid-something can be say, Grid256 : 256格式
UFORadiant failed to start properly the last time it was run.\n
The failure may be caused by current preferences.\n
Do you want to reset all preferences to defaults?
Didn't find 'game' node in the game description file '%s'\n
This will close UFORadiant and clean the corresponding registry entries.\n
Next time you start UFORadiant it will be good as new. Do you wish to continue?
Reset Registry - 将电脑注册表还原
One more thing, i realised that the word "LOAD" or "LOADING" is to be properly translated to 载入(中)。 Can i have the consensus of at least sunsolzn and Sirine here to agree on this? (I wonder if there are other potential chinese translators??
That also means "SAVE" and "SAVING" is translated as 保存当案(中), bracketed word refer to continuous tense.