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Author Topic: two problems, one with Aircrafts list, second on the Workshop R24781  (Read 4574 times)


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Aircraft's not available during UFO appearance

I noticed strange thing on a Geoscape, that when I have more aircrafts/figters (doesn't matter if Stiletto, Saracen, Dragon, Starchaser or Stingray) on the bases, and I wan't to send some to attack the UFO, I can see there on the list/"Anti-UFO defence" of available fighters only few of them - let's say from 10-12 aircrafts I can see only e.g. 2 of them (not mentioning the Firebird Dropship).

And I'm sure that everything is OK with them, pilots assigned, weapons, and I can even launch/"Start Aircraft" them directly from the base, and on the geoscape I can normally fly with them and land them back to base.

But on the list/"Anti-UFO defence" where I can select available fighters to attack, they're simply not there.
I don't know how or why does it happen, it's really strange. First appearance I noticed on the first base I've build after the new game. At there, I had at first only the Stiletto fighter. Later (when I already had more bases) I purchased the Saracen to that same first base, equiped it, and then I noticed for the first time that this aircraft isn't available on the list/"Anti-UFO defence". Later (when Dragon, Starchaser and Stingray developed) I've tried to replace them, at first only one aircraft per base. Then I wanted to have on some bases at least two aicrafts, so I've purchased them, equiped them, and then I could see only two aircrafts from 10or12 - not counting the Firebird Dropship. So I've tried to remove those which were purchased for the last time, but it didn't helped.

Does this happened to somebody else, or it's just me?

On the BASE\WORKSHOP I noticed a problem with the production list.

When I've on the prod. list 4 items, and I would like to move (Increase priority) the latest one which is on the bottom (it's selected), I simply can't move it, it doesn't work. Right now I've noticed another thing, that if I try to Decrease the priority, this latest won't move, but the first one starts to move.
Same problem thing with the (Stop production)-"icon", it won't remove the selected item, but I think it removes the first item (even when the latest one is selected).
Strange. I've tried another thing, to add more items to the prod. list, and that item which was previously mentioned as the latest one still produces mentioned problems. But the items added after it don't have that problem, and after I start to Increase/Decrease the priority, even that problematic item starts to move in the list.
Damn strange.

Offline geever

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Re: two problems, one with Aircrafts list, second on the Workshop R24781
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2009, 08:19:48 pm »
1) Please attach a savegame for it.

2) It's not the whole truth. The selected production can be stopped and it's priority can be changed. What I see is that on changing priority the text selection (highlight) not corrected. Fixed in r24787.



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Re: two problems, one with Aircrafts list, second on the Workshop R24781
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2009, 08:42:37 pm »
1) Please attach a savegame for it.

2) It's not the whole truth. The selected production can be stopped and it's priority can be changed. What I see is that on changing priority the text selection (highlight) not corrected. Fixed in r24787.


here you have the savegame for both points.
Base "South America" does have Firebird, Dragon and Stingray aircrafts. The Stingray class is the latest purchased.
Directly from the save you can see a UFO Fighter heading for Europe, just above another UFO crash site named "New Africa".
When you click on it to order the attack, you won't see the Stingray on the "South America" base. But you can launch it directly from that base.

Well, it looks like it's not enough to describe the problem, you must see it on your own.
Use that same savegame, go to the base named "Europa base2", open some workshop.
You'll see there four items in the production list:
 1. Laser Rifle
 2. D-F Cartridge
 3. Nanocomposite Armour
 4. Heavy Laser
Now try to move (up or down) or stop that "Heavy Laser" and you'll see what I'm talking about.

[attachment deleted by admin]

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Re: two problems, one with Aircrafts list, second on the Workshop R24781
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2009, 09:54:56 pm »
Well, it looks like it's not enough to describe the problem, you must see it on your own.
Use that same savegame, go to the base named "Europa base2", open some workshop.

Sorry I couldn't reproduce it myself. It was savegame related bug, fixed in r24791 (really :) ). (Old savegames are loadable.)


Offline geever

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Re: two problems, one with Aircrafts list, second on the Workshop R24781
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2009, 10:06:25 pm »
1) Base "South America" does have Firebird, Dragon and Stingray aircrafts. The Stingray class is the latest purchased.

Your Stingray have only Particle Beam Cannons installed. PBC for aircraft not yet working we have no ammo for it.



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Re: two problems, one with Aircrafts list, second on the Workshop R24781
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2009, 10:27:07 pm »
Your Stingray have only Particle Beam Cannons installed. PBC for aircraft not yet working we have no ammo for it.


Yes, I've used "PBC". And as you say, it might be cause because of not yet finished work on it.
Therefore I think if it wouldn't be best to disable not yet finished things like this "PBC", so other won't have similar problems to this one.
Or at least leave there (in game, e.g. somewhere around the "build info" in this case) some comment, that other willl find a "warning"-(to not use) about it.

Sorry I couldn't reproduce it myself. It was savegame related bug, fixed in r24791 (really :) ). (Old savegames are loadable.)


thx, problem solved, now it works.

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Re: two problems, one with Aircrafts list, second on the Workshop R24781
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2009, 10:40:32 pm »
Therefore I think if it wouldn't be best to disable not yet finished things like this "PBC", so other won't have similar problems to this one.

I said it in another topic already: The trunk is the main development branch it's supposed to contain the latest even unfinished features. Once we created the branch for 2.3 and decided not to include new features to it we will remove not working stuff from that.

Thanks for the bugreport, we're a bit closer to a bugfree UFO:AI! :)



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Re: two problems, one with Aircrafts list, second on the Workshop R24781
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2009, 10:54:17 pm »
I said it in another topic already: The trunk is the main development branch it's supposed to contain the latest even unfinished features. Once we created the branch for 2.3 and decided not to include new features to it we will remove not working stuff from that.

Thanks for the bugreport, we're a bit closer to a bugfree UFO:AI! :)


ok, I just wanted to say, that similar bug-reports may appear again, so perhaps it bould be best to leave there - in the game - some temporary info about it, for others, to avoid reporting bugs about which you already know as not yet finished parts. that's all.