Technical support > Linux

Ufoai drop to desktop - Ubuntu 9.04

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Ubuntu 9.0.4 kernel :
nvidia 8600gt 180.44 - nvidia drivers
svn trunk version : 24781

I cant play , every time when i start the game, it crushed and drops to desktop, no info about bug.
pliss help.  Today i reinstaled the ubuntu , and problem is not solved.

please check ~/.ufoai/2.3/base/ufoconsole.log.

If it doesn't help run the game from command line (from a terminal) and check it's output.

Does "when I start the game" mean you can't get to the main menu? Or starting the campaign? Or a mission? (I think the first.)


It happend in missions

--- Code: ---ufo: src/client/renderer/r_state.c:58: R_BindTexture: Assertion `texnum > 0' failed.

Error: Received signal 6.
--- End code ---

Have you run
--- Code: ---make pk3
--- End code ---
, yet? I'm pretty sure textures are kept in those.


--- Quote from: moxiewhimsy on July 04, 2009, 12:44:02 am ---Have you run
--- Code: ---make pk3
--- End code ---
, yet? I'm pretty sure textures are kept in those.

--- End quote ---

There is no need for pk3s the game can use separate files either. This is a bug we couldn't even reproduce...



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