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Author Topic: Bugs I found on r24761  (Read 10030 times)

Offline MXcom

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Bugs I found on r24761
« on: June 19, 2009, 12:51:50 pm »
I just installed the new build by odie (thanks): r24761 for windows. This thread will contain any bugs I find in this version.

#1: Actor movement out of sync error, sending the player back to geoscape still exists in r24761.
I encountered it after a soldier moved on a tile he normally shouldn't be able to walk on (rocky slope in scout_crash map).

#2: In the Aircraft menu (in a base), Soldier Tab: The scrollable list does not work correctly. To be specific, if you scroll down the list (more than 8 soldiers in base required), exit the Aircraft menu, enter the Aircraft menu again (and select soldier tab), then the state of the list is inconsistent. The logic part still believes it is scrolled down (saved from last time you were here), but the GUI part displays it as not scrolled down, i.e. starting at soldier #1.
So if you click on soldier #1, it will in fact select soldier #[amount you scrolled down previously]+1.
It can be fixed by scrolling down and up again, then the selection works normally again.

#3: The moon can be seen in front of the earth (despite being behind it actually) in geoscape 3d view if you're zoomed in a lot.
To reproduce, zoom out, look for the moon, position your view so that the moon is positioned behind the earth, then zoom in as far as possible. At some point, the moon will appear.

#4: Game shut down with message "unknown action type" in the log when I clicked the "start aircraft" button (Base->Aircraft menu) of my Firebird-class dropship.

I will post more in this thread if I encounter any more bugs in r24761.

edit: added #3
edit2: added #4

« Last Edit: June 19, 2009, 01:03:50 pm by MXcom »


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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2009, 03:37:06 pm »
I just installed the new build by odie (thanks): r24761 for windows. This thread will contain any bugs I find in this version.

#1: Actor movement out of sync error, sending the player back to geoscape still exists in r24761.
I encountered it after a soldier moved on a tile he normally shouldn't be able to walk on (rocky slope in scout_crash map).

#2: In the Aircraft menu (in a base), Soldier Tab: The scrollable list does not work correctly. To be specific, if you scroll down the list (more than 8 soldiers in base required), exit the Aircraft menu, enter the Aircraft menu again (and select soldier tab), then the state of the list is inconsistent. The logic part still believes it is scrolled down (saved from last time you were here), but the GUI part displays it as not scrolled down, i.e. starting at soldier #1.
So if you click on soldier #1, it will in fact select soldier #[amount you scrolled down previously]+1.
It can be fixed by scrolling down and up again, then the selection works normally again.

#3: The moon can be seen in front of the earth (despite being behind it actually) in geoscape 3d view if you're zoomed in a lot.
To reproduce, zoom out, look for the moon, position your view so that the moon is positioned behind the earth, then zoom in as far as possible. At some point, the moon will appear.

#4: Game shut down with message "unknown action type" in the log when I clicked the "start aircraft" button (Base->Aircraft menu) of my Firebird-class dropship.

I will post more in this thread if I encounter any more bugs in r24761.

edit: added #3
edit2: added #4

WOW MXcom,

That was VERY fast in downloading. lol. Np on that. Anything tat will help the folks here speed up the troubleshooting procedure. :D

On bugs, do u have ani console logs that will help the developers more?
On point 2, do you have a screenshot at least indicating exactly which scrollbars u refer to?
On point 3, geoscape and moon (3D map rite?) do u have a screenshot too?
point 4 - Log? :D

Offline MXcom

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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2009, 04:56:56 pm »
Hi odie,

no offense meant, but I think there is no sense in posting the console log any more than what I have already posted. Okay, for bug #1, I could have included the coordinates that are written in the log, but I am pretty sure it doesn't help much in finding the source of the problem. On bug #4, I have already included the only line of the log relevant to the bug: "unknown action type" (yes, that's the whole line).

I think the bugs are easily reproducible with the directions I've given, but here's some screenshots for #2 and #3...

Screenshot 1: bug #2. The list of soldiers "thinks" it's displaying soldiers 2 through 9, but it actually displays soldiers 1 through 8. This results in selecting soldier 2 if I click on soldier 1; soldier 3 when I click on soldier 2 and so on.

Screenshot 2-4: bug #3. Position your view so that the moon is visible. Start to zoom in, the earth will grow bigger and thus hide the moon. Continue zooming in, and at some point the moon will reappear again, despite being behind the earth.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline geever

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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2009, 07:46:00 pm »
#2 is fixed in r24763.


Offline geever

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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2009, 09:18:24 pm »
bayo fixed the #4 in r24765.



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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2009, 05:11:04 am »
Wow, tats fast fixes. I recompiled 24765 already.... uploading in progress. See if that fixes 2 & 4. :D

Offline Another Guy

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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2009, 07:09:24 am »
#1: Actor movement out of sync error, sending the player back to geoscape still exists in r24761.
I encountered it after a soldier moved on a tile he normally shouldn't be able to walk on (rocky slope in scout_crash map).

This seems to occur a LOT more frequently on 24761 than on 24654. Soldiers get on illegal places all the time on their movements crashing battlescape back to geoscape.


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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2009, 02:12:25 pm »
#1: Actor movement out of sync error, sending the player back to geoscape still exists in r24761.
I encountered it after a soldier moved on a tile he normally shouldn't be able to walk on (rocky slope in scout_crash map).

I agree, that this is nasty bug.
Even on the latest R24781.
I've really lot of crashed UFO's on the geoscape, and I can't finish any mission.
ERROR: LET_PathMove: Actor movement is out of sync: 116:124:0 should be 122:121:0 (step 1 of 1) (team 1)
Shutdown server: Server crashed.



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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2009, 06:56:30 am »
I agree, that this is nasty bug.
Even on the latest R24781.
I've really lot of crashed UFO's on the geoscape, and I can't finish any mission.
ERROR: LET_PathMove: Actor movement is out of sync: 116:124:0 should be 122:121:0 (step 1 of 1) (team 1)
Shutdown server: Server crashed.


Maybe for progress' sake, u could try automission?


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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2009, 03:47:59 pm »
Maybe for progress' sake, u could try automission?

It's not possible to use AUTO-MISSION on the crash site. only to ENTER or LEAVE it.

Offline Another Guy

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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2009, 08:14:18 pm »
Yep, I've heard it's on the TODO to implement automission to all missions (except a few plot critical ones), but currently, it's a lot more frequent not to have automission option on crash sites.

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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2009, 12:54:55 am »
#1: Actor movement out of sync error, sending the player back to geoscape still exists in r24761.
I encountered it after a soldier moved on a tile he normally shouldn't be able to walk on (rocky slope in scout_crash map).

I may have found a pattern for this out of sync crashes (I may be wrong though). All the times it happened on my turn, a civillian was spoted during soldier's movement. Sometimes it causes odd movement behaviour (eg. intead of walking 12 squares straight then turning for a 3TU movement, turning after just 3 squares even with no obstacles), but not always. Everytime it was a long movement (+10 TUs spent). If I micromanage movement to move 4 squares at a time it never happens on my turn.
Maybe it's the same for alien's turn. Hard to say.

For coders, its easy to reproduce. Start a new map then send soldiers in diferent directions always on long movements. As soon a civilian is spotted on one of these movements, battlescape should crash.

Obs: As I'm not 100% sure, I may be completely wrong, but it's worth testing. It seems the crashes happen that way to me  :P
Pretty weird as civ spotting should have no impact on soldier's actions.

Edit: R24799, maps of R24791

Edit2: Found out this applies to spotting aliens as well under certain conditions on long movements. Since I strive to rety all maps untill aliens can spot no civ at all (easier done with harversters), I believe crash on their turn can be blamed on soldiers spotting too (a lot less frequent than involving civs spotting by aliens though).
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 08:16:49 am by Another Guy »

Offline vedrit

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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2009, 05:57:37 am »
Yep, I've heard it's on the TODO to implement automission to all missions (except a few plot critical ones), but currently, it's a lot more frequent not to have automission option on crash sites.

There are some issues with doing auto-missions.
1) Whats the fun?
2) You dont get any items.
3) It doesnt always work

Offline Another Guy

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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2009, 06:13:32 am »
Well, I may have got it wrong, but only drawback should be not getting any xp for ur soldiers, so I think u should get itens and it should always work if it was all implemented.
It should not be that much used when its done cause... well, autocombat is not supose to be a safe combat. U probably gonna end up loosing some soldiers and getting some wounded ones when its full implemented. And some civ deaths too.


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Re: Bugs I found on r24761
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2009, 10:57:21 pm »
looks like problem solved in R24808.
i've just passed mine first "crashed UFO" mission after a very long time.
thx very much :)