Technical support > Windows

Do UGVs work or not?

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--- Quote from: geever on June 19, 2009, 05:22:31 pm ---Yes, ofc. I think everything which not working should be removed (from the 2.3 branch) to avoid frustration like "How to use night vision googles?" and so...


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HIGH ^5 - I so agree. Its creating alot of unnecessary feedbacks. :D

If thats the case, the following should be removed?

1) Goggles.
2) UGV

What else??? Then again, this is a proposal i guess, subject to approval (AOP - Approval of Plan) by Mattn and the rest of the devs.


--- Quote ---What else???

--- End quote ---
* Smoke and incendiary grenade (I'm not sure if the latter works but we don't have the fire effect it needs)
* UFO Yards
* Particle Beam Cannon for aircraft (if we don't make it working till then)


I am currently working on the goggles and smoke grenades. It will be a long time coming though. I request these items not be removed until I fail miserably.

Also, I need someone to go through each team file and determine how hot each alien and human is, and, preferably, modify the team files (and post a copy) so I can make use of the values. I have no idea how hard this will be, but it's not something I plan to do on my own.

They will be removed from the 2.3 branch once we created it (branch) and decided to do a feature freeze. They will remain in the trunk so you can work on it. If you can make them working before that point they can go into 2.3 aswell ofc.



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