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Author Topic: Some ideas, what to add into game :)  (Read 4029 times)

Offline Pangorin

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Some ideas, what to add into game :)
« on: January 10, 2010, 03:25:12 pm »
I have some ideas, what to add into game. :)
I dont know, what is in it, because I didnt play 2.3. version.
Sorry for my english, please.

1) BASE DEFEND= i think, in the bases, there can be selfdestruct system, what will kill the base, ufo (if you are under attack), but it will kill your personal too.
2) BASE DEFEND= Evacuation (I think, no comment needed. :) )
3) BASE DEFEND= In controll room(I dont know the name of the base sector in EN),  soldiers can controll doors, some traps against aliens(they can close doors, etc)
4) ALIEN= New kind of aliens. I mean some organization on their planet, what will not agree with killing human, and it will help humans, to kill the tamans, etc.
5) ALIEN SHIP= Kamikadze ship (:) )

:) I  think, some of these things maybe good in the game. :)
Sorry, if it is bad section :(

Offline Hertzila

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Re: Some ideas, what to add into game :)
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2010, 04:05:04 pm »
1. No. No, no, no, no, no. That would be extremely stupid. Your base holds quite valuable stuff (for you, not the aliens) and the only real way to do it would be causing a nuclear explosion in the power plant, which is completely out of the question. And extremely stupid. And even with evacuation leaving a radioactive hell hole behind would not make the nations any more happy about it.
2. Well, as I said it does hold pretty valuable stuff. It might not be in the commanders best interest to allow the aliens to overrun and take control of a PHALANX base.
3. That would be nice, it is your base and you should have complete control over it.
4. IIRC the devs said once that they don't plan on putting allied aliens on the official campaign. Modders could make them though.
5. From the aliens standpoint that would be very stupid. Their hivemind system doesn't work like the classic "one queen, many drones" but instead more like cloud computing: everybody contributes (or is forced to contribute) their brain capacity to a "higher" existence that controls everybody. And when somebody dies, the hivemind is that much weaker and stupider, so minimizing casualties is the near the top of priorities.

Edit: Oh and welcome to the forums! I always tend to forget that line... :-[
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 05:08:24 pm by Hertzila »

Offline Damien_DE

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Re: Some ideas, what to add into game :)
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2010, 12:24:10 am »
Sorry for reviving this thread, but I thought I could give some input also.

To 1): I think that wouldn't be very useful to the game and logic itself. Of course, the aliens & the UFO would be devastated but at what expense? Rather your soldiers would fight to death than to blow the place up without a battle, at least that's what I'm thinking.

To 2): Hm maybe a idea to save staff and could make sense, but I doubt too many players would use it. I'll just leave this decision to the coder-staff  ;D.

To 3): I agree, nice idea. But as I see it there should be a certain system to do it, maybe place some traps you have built/bought before the battle in the first round before PHALANX/The aliens move. To think this a bit further, regardless of the types of the traps there should prolly be a limit of useable traps or a expected failure rate... the traps could make a base defense mission a bit too easy.

To 4): Reminds me a bit of Ufo: Aftershock or what it was named. Hmm I don't know if this would be good in the campaign for Ufo:AI but something to keep in mind.

To 5): When I think back to Ufo: Enemy Unknown some of their missions already were Kamikaze missions :D. I'm not too fond with that idea, just too less excitement.