General > Discussion
Power Plant
I disagree with the AM storage blowing up. It doesnt necessarily have to power the entire bse, but it should be able to power its own containment fields. Like I said, power supply on a different powergrid that the rest of the base.
--- Quote from: Kaz on June 23, 2009, 11:31:09 pm ---I tend to agree with BTAxis. Of all the proposals the one that makes sense to me is making the antimatter storage behave like the power plant; take enough damage and it goes boom with the entire base. Perhaps also, and this a very big perhaps, making the area around a blown base a radioactive wasteland from the explosion of both the power plant and the antimatter. This should also have a big effect on the happiness nation on whose territory such an event takes place.
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This is a bad idea.
Remember how the alien's original description was?
They can eject it in emergency when needed. Thats one.
They have it so sealed up that should it explode, it would be contained.
Plus, here's something from the original text:
--- Quote ---
The outer shell's design borrows heavily from that of UN nuclear ammo dumps. In case of problems in the inner shell, there's an automatic security system which will lock down the instant containment drops below safe levels. The facility will first close its blast doors, then secure every airlock with tungsten locking rods, fill the outer shell atmosphere with radiation-retardant gas and inject anti-shock foam behind the walls, and then try to contain the inevitable blast.
This procedure will not give any personnel caught inside time to escape, but that's the price we'll have to pay if we want to have a chance of saving the entire base.
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Just to clarify, the base is NOT powered by AM in any way.
nor should it be, but it shouldnt blow up when the powerplant is shut down
no the anti-matter storage shouldn't blow up if the power plant goes down. i highly doubt they would design a containment facility for an extremely dangerous material without taking that into account. it would probably have its own backup generator and "lockdown" mode (probably something like encasing the core with several meters of quick-hardening sealant). of course take several days to days to get it back up and running after a lockdown (similar to construction time).
it might be a good idea to put the alien containment next to anti-matter storage to discourage the aliens using high explosives...
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