Technical support > Mac

Re: campaign game fails to start in 24881 ** FOUND **

(1/5) > >>

The campaign game crashes.

Attempting to run the game normally gives a lockup -- apprently, too much output to Terminal.
Kleiman-ibook:trunk michael$ nice -n +20 ./ufo +set developer 1 > output.txt
0   ufo                                 0x0019f578 Sys_Backtrace + 36
1   ufo                                 0x00129050 Com_Error + 376
2   ufo                                 0x00062194 B_ParseBuildings + 1384
3   ufo                                 0x0007569c CL_GetComponentsByItem + 1136
4   ufo                                 0x00075a68 CL_ReadSinglePlayerData + 212
5   ufo                                 0x0001627c GAME_CP_InitStartup + 444
6   ufo                                 0x00013798 GAME_SetMode + 344
7   ufo                                 0x00013da8 GAME_SetMode + 1896
8   ufo                                 0x0011974c Cmd_ExecuteString + 268
9   ufo                                 0x00117c40 Cbuf_Execute + 452
10  ufo                                 0x00037ea4 CL_OnBattlescape + 160
11  ufo                                 0x000386d4 CL_Frame + 432
12  ufo                                 0x0012b224 Qcommon_Init + 2564
13  ufo                                 0x0012b648 Qcommon_Frame + 232
14  ufo                                 0x0019fa28 main + 356
15  ufo                                 0x000023f4 start + 68
16  ???                                 0x00000004 0x0 + 4
Kleiman-ibook:trunk michael$

Main menu opens, I select single player, I select campaign, there's a pause, and then the dump occurs. I'm then looking at a blank screen (the client), and nothing seems to work except exit.


[attachment deleted by admin]

the error is: ERROR: B_ParseBuildings: Could not find tech that provides building_aliencontainment2

are you sure that you have the latest trunk data, too?

I did a make clean and svn up before compiling.

If there's something that svn doesn't fetch by default, I don't know of it.

don't you have old pk3 packages around?


No old pk3's.

Still happening in 24731.

Time to blow away and fetch again, just in case ...


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