Technical support > Linux
server crashes on first mission
Startet a campaign, easy (singleplayer)
startet sciene, production etc.
second sighting gave a ufocrash
on that mission
computerstats can be seen in my previous posting.
svn updated today
Starting the game...
joe has joined team 0
(player 0) It's team 1's round
joe has taken control over team 1.
music change to PsymongN3 (from greecei)
joe: mn_textupdated keylist
music change to PsymongN4 (from PsymongN3)
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
ERROR: Can't shoot, invalid victim LE given
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
music change to karlmacklin_geoscape (from PsymongN4)
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: 39b98707-f80d-0410-bc7e-c6b02f5409da
Revision: 24709
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: tlh2000
Last Changed Rev: 24709
Last Changed Date: 2009-06-13 16:35:19 +0200 (lør, 13 jun 2009)
Did an svn up today (14.06 at 21.00)
new campaign
first mission is aliens spotted in Bangkok (2 ufo lost over water first).
game crashes when i move the first person i my squad.
ERROR: LE_NotFoundError: Could not get LE with entnum 0 (src/client/events/event/actor/e_event_actorshoot.c:127)
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
music change to van_geoscape (from ufo1)
Did another update today 16. june. Revision: Revision: 24732
First mission again server crash
this time Kapstaden. (moved alle units in first round, was kicked out then i finished round).
Retracing for model *7 in 0.0s
Retracing for model *8 in 0.0s
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
ERROR: LET_PathMove: Actor movement is out of sync: 119:158:0 should be 120:158:0 (step 1 of 1) (team 7)
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
I'm guessing this happens on first alien attempt to fire at your team; it occurs at a seemingly random time while moving your characters, sometimes ... but happens at the end of the first turn during alien's move, even if all you do is hit "end turn".
different error messages all the time.
today (21. june) i got this one after an svn update. Fist mission again, and after finishing my round.
game crashes and you return to the geoscape.
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
LET_StartPathMove: Could not change anim of le: 18, team: 7, pnum: 9
ERROR: LET_PathMove: Actor movement is out of sync: 115:125:0 should be 120:125:0 (step 3 of 3) (team 7)
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
Same Pathfind error with svn build 24787.
Same bug
svn ver: 24790
--- Code: ---jacek has taken control over team 1.
music change to defeatfear (from van_mission4)
Q_vsnprintf: string (Stopień: Project-Id-Version: UF...) was truncated (430) - target buffer too small (64)
Retracing for model *1 in 0.0s
Retracing for model *2 in 0.0s
Retracing for model *3 in 0.0s
Retracing for model *4 in 0.0s
Retracing for model *5 in 0.0s
Retracing for model *6 in 0.0s
Retracing for model *7 in 0.0s
Retracing for model *8 in 0.0s
Q_vsnprintf: string (Stopień: Project-Id-Version: UF...) was truncated (430) - target buffer too small (64)
Q_vsnprintf: string (Stopień: Project-Id-Version: UF...) was truncated (430) - target buffer too small (64)
Q_vsnprintf: string (Stopień: Project-Id-Version: UF...) was truncated (430) - target buffer too small (64)
ERROR: LET_PathMove: Actor movement is out of sync: 136:161:0 should be 141:159:0 (step 2 of 2) (team 1)
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
music change to van_geoscape (from defeatfear)
--- End code ---
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