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How to use medikit ?
Another Guy:
--- Quote from: Borsti67 on June 22, 2009, 12:53:07 pm ---I wouldn't like to see the medikit as a another tactical thingy. Just keep it simple (automatic).
So using it on a stunned/inconscious soldier would give a chance of getting him up again.
Otherwise it heals an amount of damage plus morale.
In case "bleeding" will be implemented, the medikit should take care of this first, of course.
I like the idea of having morale/health/stun as 3 separate items. Or 4 with bleeding.
This could be done by some kind of "cost" for an action.
Let's say, the medikit can spend 10 "healing units" per usage. Restoring 1-10 hit points (if randomization is desired), [decrease bleeding by ? points], restore 1-10 morale, restore 1-10 stunning, try to "awaken" with a chance of ??% would all cost 1 "unit".
Moreover (I think I mentioned this before) I think the effect of medikits on a single soldier should decrease on multiple usages. It's far from realistic to get a heavy injured person upright and ready to fight more than once without having a clinic and doctors!
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I disagree. What makes the X-COM medikit realistic and perfect is the ausence of HP healing option. Yes, curing fatal wounds would restore a little HP, but that was about it. Never an expresive healing. The idea is just preventing death, not getting him in shape for combat again.
So no need to put medikit "ammo charges" or decreasing efficiency. It is not supose to be that efficient in first place. Period.
And random effects just don't make sense at all. In order to apply something to a soldier, the one using medikit should know what he's doing.
I like the idea of medikit being sustainer of life.
This includes healing bleedings, restore up to maybe 1/3 of max hp (rest of it, pls go hospital), restoring good morale and restoring energy (if required).
And i also like the idea that medikits should be expendable - max of maybe 5 usages? Hmmmmm.
Another Guy:
mmm, on old X-Com, getting a badly wounded/stunned soldier back into consciousness with some morale for it not to panic and no bleeding would take like 10~15 charges for it alone. Lucky it was unlimited.
@Sirine: The last time I coded was on an Amiga ;) - I don't believe I remember enough to achieve anything useful. :( If someone is going into this, I can try to help like above - making some kind of a formula out of the wishes...
@Another Guy: I never said, the medikit should do so... Just some ideas what (and how) it COULD do, if enough people think it's a good idea AND someone is going to code it... Regarding randomization: The effect of a treatment is never solely bound to the doctor's knowledge. Not only that he can make mistakes, but also some "luck" where the wound is and how damaged everything around is can make a large difference. Otherwise noone would die in a hospital. :D
Moreover, I haven't thought about a max usage (in total), but that idea sound interesting, too. B)
Anyway, what about this:
- EVERY usage gives some morale points
- the medikit heals bleeding in first place
- the next application(s) would decrease stunning effects
(- at last, up to 1/3 of HP would be restored)
So, the 1st usage of the medikit would stop bleeding and give back some morale (nothing else). In case the soldier isn't bleeding, it reduces the stunning points (how much needs to be discussed) and gives morale. If the patient is neither bleeding nor stunned, a small amount of health could be given...
But I agree with you, since the soldier can't die now unless attacked again, it's not necessary.
--- Quote from: Borsti67 on June 23, 2009, 09:47:29 am ---@Sirine: The last time I coded was on an Amiga ;) - I don't believe I remember enough to achieve anything useful. :( If someone is going into this, I can try to help like above - making some kind of a formula out of the wishes...
@Another Guy: I never said, the medikit should do so... Just some ideas what (and how) it COULD do, if enough people think it's a good idea AND someone is going to code it... Regarding randomization: The effect of a treatment is never solely bound to the doctor's knowledge. Not only that he can make mistakes, but also some "luck" where the wound is and how damaged everything around is can make a large difference. Otherwise noone would die in a hospital. :D
Moreover, I haven't thought about a max usage (in total), but that idea sound interesting, too. B)
Anyway, what about this:
- EVERY usage gives some morale points
- the medikit heals bleeding in first place
- the next application(s) would decrease stunning effects
(- at last, up to 1/3 of HP would be restored)
So, the 1st usage of the medikit would stop bleeding and give back some morale (nothing else). In case the soldier isn't bleeding, it reduces the stunning points (how much needs to be discussed) and gives morale. If the patient is neither bleeding nor stunned, a small amount of health could be given...
But I agree with you, since the soldier can't die now unless attacked again, it's not necessary.
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this sounds fairly reasonable from an emergency medicine standpoint. Med-kit is and always has been just a fancy first-aid kit. Drugs and what-not to stabilize a critical patient to prevent death. Ultimately, keeping your soldiers around from fight to fight is the goal. Losing the experience that a soldier has and having to start over with a rookie is a real risk considering how slow soldiers are to get promoted currently.
you stop the immediate life threats(cure wounds/bleeding), treat for shock (boost morale), and then you can take some time to neaten the bandages and make them capable of handling movement and such(restore a tiny amount of HP) so that the injured soldier can keep fighting or get back to the drop ship on his own. bottom line is that the med-kit becomes something to keep soldiers alive from fight to fight and level up (huge long term benefit) as a strategic tool instead of a tactical tool.
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