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Author Topic: General Review (and after about plasma weapons)  (Read 1827 times)


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General Review (and after about plasma weapons)
« on: June 11, 2009, 04:27:27 am »
Hello Everybody!

First of all, I've been playing this game for maybe a week now and so far I think its great.  I still play the heck out of Xcom ufo defense, though I never quite got into TFTD, don't know why, its just not the same to me.  As for the other UFO games, I've only played a demo of Aftermath and it looks interesting but I wish the battles were turn based.  Anyways, I've been addicted to UFOAI for the past week and even though its not finished, I am finding the game very satisfying.

I played the game on normal difficulty and I researched everything I could and produced so many things that I was literally running out of storage space in every one of my bases.  (Nanocomposite armor takes a lot of space!)  Despite the fact that I was using everything I could, I still had huge surpluses, especially in terms of employees.  I found the game much to easy (the exception is intercepting ufos, going after one of those without SAMs is suicide!).

Yesterday I skipped the hard difficulty and went straight to very hard.  Although the Aliens are ridiculous on this setting I am finiding it very fun to play.  I like the limits on funding and employees.  I like how research and production is slow going and can't keep up with the soldiers in the field.  I like how I haven't been able to field a full squad of 8 soldiers yet, but I do have squads of 4-6 soldiers in almost every continent.  btw I think I prefer smaller squads to larger ones, the game goes faster, requires more tactics and its also much more dramatic when one of them dies.  (oh and with smaller squads I actually have to reload my weapons from time to time.) 

As I mentioned before the aliens can be ridiculous on this setting, I've gone face-to-face with a taman before, went full-auto in his face with an assault rifle (didn't miss a single shot), and he was still standing there, staring me down like nobody's business.  On his turn he completely murdered my guy.  Another time I saw a cluster of 3 aliens, two of those lizard guys and one ortnok.  I gave them a 3 shot airburst barrage with the grenade launcher (HE grenades), a full auto with an assault rifle, (none of them died yet), then full auto with the machine gun and all 3 of them went down, (that was some awesome shooting btw, very brutal and I enjoyed much).  Only bad thing is that my soldiers die with one hit from any weapon.  So far I've had only one severely wounded soldier.

Sorry if I'm rambling here, Anyways, so I am finding this game very satisfying, I wish you guys the best of luck with finishing this game.  I wish I had the know-how to help you guys out but I'm not into comps too much, I couldn't tell you the specs of my own machine.  I can give you my opinion though and that's pretty much why I'm posting this.  I want to see you guys finish this project and I'd like to lend my support any way that I can.  That being said I would just like to say that I am an aspiring writer, I haven't written much beyond a few poems and short stories, few worth mentioning and most I don't have anymore, but I've always wanted to keep writing.  I've forgotten what kind of stuff is on that TODO list so I have to look at it again.  In the mean time if you guys think of something you'd like written up let me know.  I'm sure I remember seeing incomplete entries in the ufopedia while playing the game...

I almost forgot my gripe about plasma weapons, that's why I put it on top.
This is about normal difficulty btw.  I think that plasma weapons, except for plasma blaster, are too weak.  Granted, I've only used the plasma pistol twice and got 1 kill on a wounded enemy, other times I've had horrible experiences with what I percieved as advanced weaponry.  First of all, when aliens use it, it usually takes about 3 shots to take down one of my guys (with combat armor).  With advanced armor my people are nearly invulnerable to plasma, especailly pistols.  In one instance I had a soldier with a bolter rifle and nanocomposite armor.  Two aliens with plasma weapons (don't know if it was rifles or pistols, though I must think they had pistols.) got the jump on him and the first alien shot 3 shots and then one reaction fire killed him.  The next alien fired 2 shots and tried to get away.  On my next turn my guy still had about a 3rd of his life left and I easily killed the other alien.  On another mission, a taman kerrbladed my grenade launcher guy and was out of tus.  My grenade launcher guy was barely alive and I thought he should get revenge by blasting the alien's guts out with his own technology.  I used ALL of his tus and nearly all of the plasma pistol clip just burst firing at point blank range and he didn't die!  My sniper had to give him a headshot from 5 feet away.

The range limitation on those weapons just make them even worse, anyways,  :o I've spent too much time writing this post and I'm late for dinner now, lates.