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Author Topic: Disassembling  (Read 2351 times)

Offline Another Guy

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« on: June 10, 2009, 12:40:58 am »
Since researching an UFO consist exacly in finding out his pourpouse, what it can do and what its made of, it would be nice if the research reports for each UFO state exacltly how much of each component disassembling that particlar UFO would net you.


Commander, disassembling this UFO Harvester would provide our base with the following components:

  -X   Antimatter
  -Y   Alien Materials
  -Z   Alien Astrogation
  -X'  Alien Propulsion
  -Y'  Alien Detection
  -Z'  Particle Beam Weapon

We should try to disassemble one of these as soon as possible.

Also, there should be a confirmation screen if disassembling would exceed either antimatter or storage room capacity (or both) so u know if u gonna end up wasting materils for lack of space on disassembling.