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Author Topic: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates  (Read 18600 times)

Offline frankdark

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Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« on: June 01, 2009, 08:52:51 pm »
Vista 64 SP1
Q6600 ATI 3870x2

Problem is not in 2.2.1
Tested in R24523 - 24498 - 24496

Appears in the second or third round.

Geomode start in the front.
You can speed up with keyboard but mouse key is still in the battel.
Other Keys have effect on Battelmode and you can see it for an blink.

Offline Mattn

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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2009, 09:10:18 pm »
any console output?

Offline frankdark

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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2009, 11:10:50 am »
you cant see the console becouse the geo mode overlays it.
is there a way to print the output in a logfile ( permanantly printing )

the only error line, i could see was the problem for the missing Rocketbase model

Offline Kildor

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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2009, 02:27:13 pm »
It always print to file, ufoconsole.log in %appdata%\ufoai\2.3-dev\base\

Offline frankdark

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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2009, 06:03:04 pm »
First time i had this error in 24552 while playing only skirmish

Error: Negativ TU Cost while walking (Team 1 )

Shutdown Server: Server crashed.

Looks like a known bug, it there anything to prevent it?
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 06:13:43 pm by frankdark »


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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2009, 04:49:47 pm »
I've noticed this too.  3rd or 4th round.  The message from ufoconsole.log is:

ERROR: LET_PathMove: Actor movement is out of sync: 147:152:0 should be 144:149:0 (step 5 of 5) (team 1)

I've noticed it is preceeded in the previous round by one of the soldiers TU's making a drastic drop (all the way to 1 or 0) while trying to move one square or more.  I've tried this making the soldier move just one square over.  He will then walk in a box pattern in the opposite direction, just like they move around trees, then "Hello Geoscape."

Sorry, I don't remember the build number.  Think it was 24585.

Running on Windows XP Media Center Edition, v2002 SP2

« Last Edit: June 07, 2009, 08:50:08 pm by Nightranger »

Offline Sepelio

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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2009, 09:14:52 pm »
This is a bug I have noticed as well, often I see something like "missing image \filename etc." but its difficult to tell what has done it.

There did seem to be some issue with TUs that I noticed such as all TUs being expended upon moving a single square.


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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2009, 10:53:23 pm »
This is what I got from the ufoconsole.log from my last attempt, which is 24585.

==== InitGame ====
CM_LoadMap: "-farm/f_ +drop_firebird +craft_ufo_harvester +field_a +field_c +field_c +stables_a +farmhouse_b +stables_b +barn_a +filler_m_b +filler_m_b" "-24 -8 0 0 8 0 -40 8 0 -40 -40 0 -8 -40 0 0 -8 0 24 -40 0 24 -16 0 -40 -8 0 -8 8 0 -8 24 0"
Map:farm/f_drop_firebird  Offset:(-24, -8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 120, 0) wpMaxs:(127, 135, 3)
Tile bounds: (104, 120, 0) to (127, 135, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_drop_firebird in   1.0s
Map:farm/f_craft_ufo_harvester  Offset:(0, 8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(167, 159, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(128, 136, 0) wpMaxs:(167, 167, 4)
Tile bounds: (128, 136, 0) to (167, 167, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (167, 159, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_craft_ufo_harvester in   0.0s
Map:farm/f_field_a  Offset:(-40, 8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 159, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(88, 136, 0) wpMaxs:(119, 167, 2)
Tile bounds: (88, 136, 0) to (119, 167, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (159, 159, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_field_a in   0.0s
Map:farm/f_field_c  Offset:(-40, -40, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 159, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(88, 88, 0) wpMaxs:(119, 119, 3)
Tile bounds: (88, 88, 0) to (119, 119, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (159, 159, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_field_c in   0.0s
Map:farm/f_field_c  Offset:(-8, -40, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 159, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(120, 88, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 119, 3)
Tile bounds: (120, 88, 0) to (151, 119, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (159, 159, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_field_c in   1.0s
Map:farm/f_stables_a  Offset:(0, -8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(128, 120, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 135, 3)
Tile bounds: (128, 120, 0) to (151, 135, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_stables_a in   0.0s
Map:farm/f_farmhouse_b  Offset:(24, -40, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 151, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(152, 88, 0) wpMaxs:(167, 111, 4)
Tile bounds: (152, 88, 0) to (167, 111, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 151, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_farmhouse_b in   0.0s
Map:farm/f_stables_b  Offset:(24, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 151, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(152, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(167, 135, 3)
Tile bounds: (152, 112, 0) to (167, 135, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 151, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_stables_b in   0.0s
Map:farm/f_barn_a  Offset:(-40, -8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 143, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(88, 120, 0) wpMaxs:(103, 135, 4)
Tile bounds: (88, 120, 0) to (103, 135, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 143, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_barn_a in   0.0s
Map:farm/f_filler_m_b  Offset:(-8, 8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 143, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(120, 136, 0) wpMaxs:(127, 151, 2)
Tile bounds: (120, 136, 0) to (127, 151, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 143, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_filler_m_b in   0.0s
Map:farm/f_filler_m_b  Offset:(-8, 24, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 143, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(120, 152, 0) wpMaxs:(127, 167, 2)
Tile bounds: (120, 152, 0) to (127, 167, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 143, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile farm/f_filler_m_b in   0.0s
Rerouted for RMA in   0.0s
checksum for the map '+farm': 1168549001
ufo script checksum 1504555790
Created AI player (team 0)
Created AI player (team 7)
Connecting to localhost...
load material file: 'materials/farm.mat'
music change to PsymongR2 (from karlmacklin_geoscape)
Retracing for model *1 in   0.0s
Retracing for model *2 in   0.0s
Retracing for model *3 in   0.0s
Retracing for model *4 in   0.0s
Retracing for model *5 in   0.0s
Retracing for model *6 in   0.0s
Retracing for model *7 in   0.0s
Retracing for model *8 in   0.0s
Starting the game...
Compaq_Administ has joined team 0
(player 0) It's team 1's round
Compaq_Administ has taken control over team 1.
music change to AlexSullencity (from PsymongR2)
Retracing for model *1 in   1.0s
Retracing for model *2 in   0.0s
Retracing for model *3 in   0.0s
Retracing for model *4 in   1.0s
Retracing for model *5 in   0.0s
Retracing for model *6 in   0.0s
Retracing for model *7 in   0.0s
Retracing for model *8 in   0.0s
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
ERROR: LET_PathMove: Actor movement is out of sync: 121:124:0 should be 120:119:0 (step 2 of 2) (team 1)
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====

From here, it goes back to the Geoscape.  The firebird can be sent to the same mission point and start again, but it only goes about 3 turns.  Well, it went three in this one.  In the second round, I had two soldier's TU's go from their max down to a point where they could not move, or even turn, (Soldier #2 and #6), without them even moving on the screen.

In round three, soldier #5 was the selected soldier when the battlescape stopped.


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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2009, 03:13:39 am »
I have been able to generate this problem by moving a soldier in a crouched position more than 11 TU's at a time.  This will cause the soldier to freeze, after which they can only stand, crouch, turn and shoot.  Once the soldier freezes, all attempts (so far) to move that soldier in later turns results in the game falling back to the Geoscape screen.

Offline Mattn

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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2009, 07:29:08 am »
you have an event.log in your .ufoai dir (besides the ufoconsole.log) - please send the last ~20lines directly after you got that crash.

Offline Another Guy

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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2009, 04:40:38 pm »
Yep, most geoscape crashes (about 90%) also occur to me trying to move a soldier that had his time units magically chewed due to trying to move him while crouching. Either on same turn on any of the following turns. So when it happens to a soldier in battle I simple assume he's out of combat. Any attemp to use him would crash the came.

Happens everytime u try to move a soldier that begins the turn crouched without uncrouching him first. Easily reproduceble.

Edit: Imediatly after u uncrouch a souldier, u cant move him anywhere, but just select another soldier, then select the uncrouched soldier again and its fixed, so u can still move him on same turn.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 04:54:06 pm by Another Guy »


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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2009, 05:21:16 pm »
Yep, most geoscape crashes (about 90%) also occur to me trying to move a soldier that had his time units magically chewed due to trying to move him while crouching. Either on same turn on any of the following turns. So when it happens to a soldier in battle I simple assume he's out of combat. Any attemp to use him would crash the came.

Happens everytime u try to move a soldier that begins the turn crouched without uncrouching him first. Easily reproduceble.

Edit: Imediatly after u uncrouch a souldier, u cant move him anywhere, but just select another soldier, then select the uncrouched soldier again and its fixed, so u can still move him on same turn.

I noticed that you can't move the soldier after he crouches OR stands up without selecting another soldier and then going back to the one you had selected.  So far, I've been able to move the soldier up to 4 spaces (12 TU's) while crouched down, without an issue.  I'll get back to it soon and get some event data.

Offline Mattn

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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2009, 07:56:09 pm »
Happens everytime u try to move a soldier that begins the turn crouched without uncrouching him first. Easily reproduceble.

Thanks - exactly that was the information we needed - i will have a look now.

Offline Another Guy

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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2009, 08:07:44 pm »
Mattn, note that moving the crouching unit only "magically chew" that soldier's TUs. For battlescape to actually crash u need to try uncrouching and moving him after that happens (doesn't matter if on same turn or any other turn).

If u don't move that soldier after his TUs got chewed, battlescape will never crash and I assume u can even complete the mission (not tested) (Edit: Confirmed).
« Last Edit: June 15, 2009, 06:32:12 pm by Another Guy »

Offline Mattn

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Re: Bug: After 2-3 Turns in Battelmode, Geo Mode activates
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2009, 11:39:59 pm »
please retry with latest trunk revision - there was an attempt to fix it in r24692