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Real weapons-grade lasers on the horizon
--- Quote from: romanovzky on June 29, 2009, 06:41:55 pm ---By this summer I'll have my B.Sc. level. In September I'll start my M.Sc. level (1 academic year, 0.5 mixed year (academic, investigation) plus 0.5 year for dissertation(and investigation)).
Nevertheless I've been granted a fellowship for Investigation Integration in an investigation center for theoretical particle physics at my university.
At M.Sc. I'll focus mainly on Theoretical Physics, Fundamental Particles and such.
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Wow. That is really a pure hardcore physicist studies! U intend to become a nuclear scientist?? Or do u intend to do energy researching?
Or after tat would u simply want to be an engineer of sorts?
I intend to become a Physicist, and do research on physics. My area of interest so far is particle physics, and since LHC experiment will work at the same time I'll be being introduced to research I guess I'll in theoretical particle physics. But hey, there are other problems in physics:
I also have some curiosity about quantum gravity, quantum chromodynamics, and other subjects.
Time will tell :P
--- Quote from: romanovzky on June 30, 2009, 10:23:06 am ---I intend to become a Physicist, and do research on physics. My area of interest so far is particle physics, and since LHC experiment will work at the same time I'll be being introduced to research I guess I'll in theoretical particle physics. But hey, there are other problems in physics:
I also have some curiosity about quantum gravity, quantum chromodynamics, and other subjects.
Time will tell :P
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Ooooo, it would be so exciting if someone can make a breakthru in quantum physics..... its rumoured (of course unproven) tat when one can go beyond it, and travel at the speed of light, u can be everywhere at anypoint in time and space AT THE SAME TIME! lol. Woooooo
Talk about a whole new way to do FTL!
Okie, digressed from main topics. lol.
So, based on your expertise, laser based stuff will sound logical and possible in 80 years time rite? :D
PS: I am going offtopic, so i ma opening another thread for u to read something..... see offtopic section.
--- Quote from: odie on June 30, 2009, 11:18:37 am ---... can be everywhere at anypoint in time and space AT THE SAME TIME!
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That's the privilege of The Kwisatz Haderach. :P
--- Quote from: romanovzky on June 30, 2009, 10:23:06 am ---I intend to become a Physicist, and do research on physics. My area of interest so far is particle physics, and since LHC experiment will work at the same time I'll be being introduced to research I guess I'll in theoretical particle physics. But hey, there are other problems in physics:
I also have some curiosity about quantum gravity, quantum chromodynamics, and other subjects.
Time will tell :P
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my major isnt in science or physics.. Its actually history.. But perhaps you would care to explain how entanglement is possible... Seems entanglement and a few other things have really thrown the physics people into two groups... those that believe quantum physics and those that dont.
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