Development > Artwork

(Redo) WIP of new Soldier Model

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i've added some more information to the modelling articles in our wiki

I did some research on tags - In Blender they are "Empties" which are attached to parts of bones in the skeleton.

Vedrit, if you can build skeletons for the latest male and female models, I think I can add the tags quite easily if I read the right information I found on the web.  Basically the tags are parented to specific parts of bones so the game engine knows where to attach weapons in the hands, the head on the neck, etc.

Adding the tags shouldn't be too hard, I'd imagine the skeleton and body animations will probably be the most work at this point.

Edit: Vedrit, do you have any place to upload what you've come up with?

IMHO, a tag should be a bone, then its more something for animator.


--- Quote from: bayo on May 31, 2009, 11:07:54 am ---IMHO, a tag should be a bone, then its more something for animator.

--- End quote ---

True, it would probably make it easier to animate a bone where the tag will go with the rest of the animation, then attach a tag to that bone, yes, I agree, that's a good idea.

Aside from FileFront, no. The SVN I used for my game stopped working.

Im still a tad fuzzy on the "tag" concept. Where would the bone thats a tag go? Theres a bone for the hand, so why not tag that bone? Then the object will move with the hand, and I and any other animator dont have to worry about an extra bone


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