version is ufoai-2.3-dev-win32-24460
xp pro xp3 3gb ram quad 6600 gforce 8800 gts
latest updates and drivers
Started a new game
In the map little cabana(?) in prairie (think is the name).
Can't move soldiers 5-8 out of dropship.
Soldiers enter/exit houses and ufo from wrong places
Crash to geo
Hi, I also have a similar issue since 24380+.
Like to also know if u experienced this only for dropships?
I.e. Soldiers stuck inside dropship. Are u able to move em out using the cockpit way?? (Front of dropship).... sometimes it works, and various fixes are underway.
U also mentioned soldiers have issue with entering buildings (specifically which ones? generally alot for me....). Do u notice aliens and civilians (aka civis) having same behaviour?
Lastly, u mentioned crashing back to geo. For me, once there, if i dun load again immediately or quit and restart, it will hang (and i have to force quit program). For u, does this occurs during part of movement phase (be it alien's or players turn)?