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Mac binary thread (now 26313)

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With 10.6 and the last binary from here it doesn't plays background music. Is that usual or I need to do something?

Will this version not run under Tiger? I've downloaded it and tried to launch but it fails with no error every time.

Tiger is 10.4, right?

It should work, as far as I know. Possible problem: MacPorts turns out not to be intended for distributing binaries, but for recompiling on the local destination system. (Yea, that threw me when I saw that discussed on the MacPorts forums). The behavior of putting the MacPorts compiled libraries and frameworks into a program is unsupported at best.

It might be that the stuff compiled for 10.5 doesn't like 10.4; if so, that's ... well, so much for binary API compatibility :-).

<Sigh>. Best I can say at the moment.

Hello! I was still using 2.2 until i found out about the forum and... This thread!

I would like to know: is this the latest binary version of ufoAI on Mac ? I'm on mac os x 10.6.1.

Thanks for such a great piece of fun!


--- Quote from: keybounce on November 02, 2009, 07:25:22 pm ---Tiger is 10.4, right?

It should work, as far as I know. Possible problem: MacPorts turns out not to be intended for distributing binaries, but for recompiling on the local destination system. (Yea, that threw me when I saw that discussed on the MacPorts forums). The behavior of putting the MacPorts compiled libraries and frameworks into a program is unsupported at best.

It might be that the stuff compiled for 10.5 doesn't like 10.4; if so, that's ... well, so much for binary API compatibility :-).

<Sigh>. Best I can say at the moment.

--- End quote ---

You can make it work by setting MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET before compiling macports. IIRC, there may be extra hurdles to jump through - but I got it to work when compiling 2.2.1 on 10.5. I had to talk to the macports people on IRC though. Yeah, it sucks bad to recompile everything you have in macports...

For more info, see the discussion threads starting here:


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