Technical support > Mac

Mac binary thread (now 26313)

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yes, seems so.


The Buy/Sell Screen its on ALL gear that way, it seems to be off, by 2 spaces, SO all items you click on your really effecting 2 spaces under it.

And it Primary, Secondary and Heavy Weapons it does it. Notice it X's all the items also even if not X or Checked.

1 other Bug i notice, IF courching, and raise up it does not allow you to move, if you click off soldier and back onto the soldier you can move, and if you are courching from the round before you can also move at the higher cost.

3rd time this has happen so buggy, on the firebird, the south works fine, but the northern exit of the plane the top one, seems to stick, Soldiers who start outside the plane great shape, but those in the plane it acts like thats a solid wall so can not go that way on movement.

24953 universal now uploading. Expect it to finish around 12:30 am friday morning.


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