Technical support > Mac

Mac binary thread (now 26313)

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I should get a new version up by friday.

I've got a compiled version from about 2 weeks ago, but I need to clean up disk space before I can build the .dmg. And, my dev environment is out of date, according to ports. So I need to update the ports, and the ufo code, and get enough space to compile everything.

(Sigh). Got an external drive, and now have to take it back -- gave me a "media not present" error doing a backup. Works most of the time, but not 100%. Infant death.

> skip the --disable-uforadiant and it should work

That works now on mac? Fun.

With up to data macports I haven't got it to work yet.

it works on my mac now, yes - i was able to compile and run uforadiant

x86, or PPC?


--- Quote from: Mattn on September 03, 2009, 07:40:31 am ---it works on my mac now, yes - i was able to compile and run uforadiant

--- End quote ---

Would you happen to have a DMG we could run?   


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