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Mac binary thread (now 26313)

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Anybody tested it on Snow Leopard yet?
pls compile newest version -_-

someone? i cant do it
24953 is unplayable because of stairs bug. also i wonder why u can play only 3 different maps. can someone upload latest build or tell me where i can learn how to compile a new one?


--- Quote from: on August 19, 2009, 10:32:48 pm ---24953 is unplayable because of stairs bug. also i wonder why u can play only 3 different maps. can someone upload latest build or tell me where i can learn how to compile a new one?

--- End quote ---

The steps are in the Wiki.

You have to install XCode (on your OS X disc), and macports.  Macports steps are in the wiki.

Ok, Macports won't install all the dependencies on 10.6 yet.

Next, on Tiger the make for the app is trying to include radiant even if you did the ./configure --disable-uforadiant

Bah, back to 2.2 for a while.   I liked 2.3 until I ran into the stairs issue.  Anybody know of a version of 2.3 prior to the stairs issue being introduced?

skip the --disable-uforadiant and it should work


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