Technical support > Mac

Mac binary thread (now 26313)

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I'm uploading a universal binary for 24430 to

Known issues:
1. On a G4 mac, map graphics are ugly unless both real time lighting and GLSL shaders are both turned on. G5 not tested. but assumed to be the same.
2. Not actually tested on x86 :-).

(Uploading now as I type; give it 4 hours to finish.)

Thanks keybounce.

It runs on a 2008 MBP.

I think there's a problem in the "Buy/Sell Equipment" tab though. If I do these things, I can repeat it:

* New Single Player Campaign
* New base (in Virginia) - choose no employees or buildings.
* Add the needed buildings
* Hire employees
* Now Buy/Sell Equipment
For me, the autosell checkmarks are off-by-four. And when I click in the appropriate place to buy something (say, an assault rifle), the tally doesn't change on -that- line, but on the line a couple rows down. I've actually bought a sniper rifle. And if I try to buy a sniper rifle, I'm buying a riot shotgun. (Which I can check by going ahead and buying aircraft and equipping my guys.)

Is this a known bug?

at least none that i know of (in that form)

exactly four? maybe a byte <=> int endian issue? or maybe a general bug on little endian systems, too?

Same here x86, linux.


maybe r24465 fixed it?


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