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Author Topic: Fantastic Remake!! (Introduction) (Finished 2.2.1) (My Thoughts and feedback)  (Read 13234 times)

Offline Godmonkey

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I use the other style now, but thank you for the fix none the less :)

Offline SharkD

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2.2.1 has no real end, you probably got everything there is.
OK, thanks.


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I'm new to using forums and open source content so bear with me!  I'm 28 years old and have been playing games ever since I could hold a controller.  I have owned nearly every console ever comercially sold.  My computer took a crap on me about two years ago so I haven't really played much on the PC side, mostly 360 lately.  I was messing around on Wikipedia one day at work and started reading up on current open source games available.  I came across this one.  I downloaded 2.2 a few days ago and played through it.  Keeping my vast gaming experience in mind I must say, this is one of two games I have ever played that completely absorbed me.  I could not quit playing it.  I'm sure everyone who has played it got to a point where they had to take a break or go to work but just wanted to research more or kill some more alien basterds!  I know it doesn't mean much coming from a nobody but everyone who has worked on this project:  THIS IS AWESOME!   I am really looking forward to the final build of 2.3!  Great job people!


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Good to hear you like the game Godmonkey! Welcome to the community!


There are no alien bases in 2.2.x. They are implemented in 2.3, though, but there will be only one of them, by means of that version's final mission. It won't have a lot of things the bases are supposed to have, though, because that's all still on the TODO.

In future versions, will there be plans of increasing this? Also any plans of improving the base content? I think it will really, improve the games in more ways than one, foremost the replay value. 

Offline BTAxis

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I think that was implied in my post, yes.


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but there will be only one of them, by means of that version's final mission. It won't have a lot of things the bases are supposed to have, though, because that's all still on the TODO

I thought by "things the bases are supposed to have," you meant the PHALANX ones.

Ok, good to hear that! More power!


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Just wanted to add my thoughts and didn't want to create a new post for it.
I downloaded 2.2.1 yesterday and I love it! A great improvement on the original games (which were already fantastic!!!)

I've only played 2 missions so far but can't wait to have the time to kick more alien butt (oh, and to stop stupidly firing weapons at such close range that I kill my own soldiers in the process   ;D ) Bring on all the awesome sounding advancements in 2.3!!!

Congrats to all those involved!!!


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Fantastic, love it, can't stop playing...well obviously I'm not playing right now but that's because I'm pretty much to the end of what's been finished in 2.2.1.

I'm a little worried about the status of the fire/re-recruit teleporting exploit.  Did that get put on the list for 2.3, or is it still unaddressed?  Because it should be an easy fix, just disable firing any personnel once they're recruited.  PHALANX is supposed to be a hyper-secret organization, after all, composed of elite soldiers and select personnel from the rest of the world.  There's no really legitimate in-game reason to fire anyone once you recruit them (They don't really let us out much).  As it is, you only need eight soldiers, and only one base needs to be outfitted with a hospital (and team room, though I'm still not sure what that actually does).  You can also fire everybody a minute before payday and then rehire them without any hard feelings.  Somehow that seems wrong...well, at least unrealistic.  It would also be good to have a transport mission for new purchases and hires, the way it was in the original game  That would help emphasize the planning aspect of the game, but that would require more work than simply disabling terminations.

It's also a little weird that plasma weapons are so underpowered, particularly since the alien armors are better against plasma and particle beams than almost anything else.  But that doesn't really bother me, I'd expect that the adapted version of an alien technology would be less powerful than it could be, and it isn't like I actually want my guys getting killed by the aliens.  The first time a fighter shot down a Firebird with the loss of a whole team I was somewhat peeved.  They couldn't even duck down into the dirt, which would seem a natural evasive tactic for a VTOL troop transport to use against an aerospace superiority fighter.  But it looks like the next version will do away with interceptions which appear to involve missiles and beams fired at ranges of hundreds of miles.  I hope that the base launched missiles stay pretty much the same, though.  It's fun to play 'catch me if you can...oh by the way my secret base has air defenses' with the ufo's.

Anyway, I'm excited enough to be brimming with suggestions, but unsure of which will actually be helpful (if any).

Offline Godmonkey

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I read this forum up and down and found every thing I thought of already mentioned. So someone with a mind like mine has already been here... the games in good hands, thats for sure.

Offline Jaynestown

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I agree.  This is a fantastic remake.  I owned XCOM and TFTD when I was a kid, Apocalypse - bought them on Steam again recently.  Could never get Ufo Aftermath to work.  Thought Afterlight was a pretty awesome game, but... it just wasn't the sequel to XCom that I wanted.

I think this is going to end up better than the original.