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Author Topic: Mumbai  (Read 8744 times)

Offline Zorlen

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« on: November 28, 2008, 12:15:32 pm »
Has anyone else, except me, been frightened to see "Mumbai under attack" and similar headlines?

Offline Sarin

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Re: Mumbai
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2008, 12:28:44 pm »
Luckily, first headlines about it I saw mentioned terrorists before Mumbai, so I wasn't shocked. But it must have been scary...

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Re: Mumbai
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2008, 01:25:48 pm »
Yeah, I saw the initial headlines when it first hit the news, and I've been following it on news pages occasionally for some time now.

Personally, I'm wouldn't describe myself as "frightened," but quite concerned.  Last time I checked, the death count went over 120 in one report.  What happened there was pretty bad, I figured it was only a matter of time before someone mentioned it in this forum.

What concerns me even more is that several weeks from now it won't be in the headlines anymore, and most people will forget about it, just like the short war between Russia and Georgia, the massive damage in the United States from Hurricane Ike, etc.  In my experience most people forget about these things quickly even though the damage and aftermath lingers for a long time and doesn't actually go away.  Much gets lost or destroyed, and people die from these major incidents and it is sad that the rest of the world doesn't bother to think anymore about what happened after a short while.

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Mumbai
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2008, 01:39:00 pm »
So what do you want people to do? Brood over it for a month? Or a year?

Bad stuff happens all the time, and every week there's some event that you could feel bad about. Worse, there are things that have been ongoing for a long time and that are far worse then the Mumbai incident. Wars. Famine. Poverty. Natural disasters. Climate change. Ethnic cleansings. Torture. France. Do you want everyone to keep thinking about that too?

I've long ago come to the realization that if you're going to CARE about all the bad things in the world, you won't ever get anywhere. And when I say care, I mean REALLY care, not just thinking "oh, that's really bad, I hope they'll get over it". So people don't. They care about their own situation and at best mildly sympathize with bad things happening far away. NIMBY effect.

Is that fair? No. But nobody said it would be.

Offline shevegen

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Re: Mumbai
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2008, 12:10:03 am »
There is more than just "mild sympathy" to this whole issue.

I do not want to sympathize with victims. I want these things to simply not happen.
I don't buy too much into the depiction of mass media to be any accurate description of what is really happening and why.

All I know is that governments often troll in favour of a specific legislation. It is not only lobbyists who do so, but
politicans as well.

In the case of Mumbai, a huge town, maybe one or two dozen attackers (the reports that some escaped seem to be
somewhat credible) held a town in chaos for days is really hard to believe. If the police ducks under cover instead
of firing at two LONE attackers who do not have any armour and WHO ARE STANDING FREE, then I really wonder what
the heck is going on. They should have realized that people with guns shooting at other people are posing a threat
and should be stopped, but they decided to take cover (?!)

You can be sure that there are enough people who want ethically and morally correct governments.

But it is not as if the Pakistan have a great government at the given time. They are governed by family clans, people who
have huge amount of money outside the country. How is that any "patriotic"?
They are quick to offer 0 protection to their citizens, yet later claim that they are powerless against all those
terrorists - but the Pakistan government has no problem to engage in arms deal with Brazil or Russia after the
IMF gave them money not long ago ...

I would call their current governments of many countries corrupt.

At the same time the USA has had a president whose actions caused around 640.000 dead people in Iraq alone, whereas the estimate from Saddam's regime is in the range of 240.000 dead people (swiss researchers presented this number. The Bush government claimed that they killed no more than 34.000 people, but their method is really really a bad way to accurately measure how many died. In fact, I would go as far and claim that they made up these low numbers).

Yet this president was never charged for war crimes or corruption for real, but he was more than happy to push actions against the war crimes committed by Milosevic of Serbia (who later died in custody during his trial, which I find not acceptable. Even if he was guilty of war crimes, people should not die. Pinochet for example was released and died as a free man .... he could even stand up and walk around when he arrived at home again. What a fucking joke this is...).

If things have to be ethically correct, they need to be correct for EVERY government.
The level of corruption is way too high and too many lies are told or people being brainwashed.

How can the USA apply death penalty against people who are innocent? This is murder.
How can China's dictator party kill people when they allegedly spy for other countries?

The biggest problems are:
- social unfairness
- corruption
- lying politicans

Terrorists are a problem too but they come AFTER all these above problems. Yet the whole
security industry is happy that terrorists are a big priority. They made a lot of profit, and still do,
from invisible almighty muslim terrorists here, to aggressive pirates blackmailing ship owners there.

Seriously, there is not much one can do to bring the corrupt politicans away. New ones will quickly
fill that empty spot ...

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Re: Mumbai
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2008, 12:29:53 am »
(Regarding shevegen's post, but not wanting to quote a huge block of text,)

Some of these points I do agree with, I don't have time right now to break down a list of which ones, but I'll say that I could very well easily (if I had the time) write pages upon pages on my dislike of the outgoing President "Mr. Shrub" as well as how I've been ashamed to be an American and understand why people from other nations have felt the way they do about us (Americans).

The U.S. of A. sure has had quite a bit of corruption under shrubby, and it was a few months ago I saw on the national news how he forced another bill through before leaving, one that altered the law so that he himself could not face any war crime charges and get away with all of his s***.

It gets worse.  Shrubhead took advantage of "sunset" type of legislation, laws that he could easily make into law upon leaving office that are extremely difficult to undo by the next president who I am proud to say I voted for and just hope he can fix at least some of the mess shrubs left behind.

I could say more, I just don't have the time, and it wouldn't do anything anyways...

Offline Darkpriest667

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Re: Mumbai
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2009, 06:06:14 am »
They deserved what they got.. not the population of course but the government... a city of 10 million people and the entire police force had 100 firearms.... the entire force folks....

BTW most indian police dont carry sidearms. Only the SWAT teams there have firearms.. Maybe this will convince them to change their policy of carrying batons when the enemy has automatic weapons... stupid pacifists...


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Re: Mumbai
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2009, 06:24:09 am »
Has anyone else, except me, been frightened to see "Mumbai under attack" and similar headlines?

Haha. Yupz i was. It sounded like UFOAI coming true! Lol.


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Re: Mumbai
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2009, 10:25:21 am »
Has anyone else, except me, been frightened to see "Mumbai under attack" and similar headlines?
My first feeling was not fear but anger. Just cannot digest my favorite city being held for ransom by some terrorists. The governments must do some thing to save their citizens..

Offline Darkpriest667

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Re: Mumbai
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2009, 03:45:28 pm »
My first feeling was not fear but anger. Just cannot digest my favorite city being held for ransom by some terrorists. The governments must do some thing to save their citizens..

well the first thing they could do would be to arm them


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Re: Mumbai
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2009, 08:29:56 am »
I am angered when I saw the headlines. Mumbai is a city never sleeps. It is one city that is changing the face of India. Rapidly growing city is home to many million international citizen too. We just cannot allow people die like this. Governments must do something to stop similar attacks. People from all over the world come to mumbai to make money and live a life.