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Author Topic: Communication strategy  (Read 10067 times)


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Communication strategy
« on: April 16, 2009, 12:56:21 pm »
I've been following this remarkable project for quite a while now and feel compelled to give an advice concerning the project's communication strategy to end users.

1) The "home" page should be targeted more towards players. You have lots of interesting media and the fascinating story on the "about" page. So maybe link the gallery to the screenshot and copy the first sentence from "about" to the "home" sidebar. In my opinion the translation status is not useful information (except for some developers) and might give the impression that development is hardly going on (sorry for that).

2) It is difficult to estimate where the project is going. You have a lot (technical) information like the TODO in the wiki, but there is no document/post etc. that says in five lines "we are going to do a,b,c in 2.2. and maybe d,e,f in 2.3" (or it is hard to find). A brief roadmap document in the wiki could be helpful for both players and contributors.

3) The monthly reviews are fine, and I am longing for them every new month, but
a) the frequency is a bit low in the times of twitter - I guess it takes more efforts to write a review covering the whole month's development at once than writing more shorter posts
b) they are far too technical ("A bit more threading in various components." says nearly nothing). You could use "New UFOpedia images and textures" as headline for a smaller post instead.

Conclusion: Few changes can render UFOAI much more attractive.

Kind regards


Offline BTAxis

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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2009, 01:51:23 pm »
We don't really have anyone who maintains the website, apart from the news updates. If you think you can help in that area, drop by on IRC and talk to mattn.


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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2009, 02:14:36 pm »
I contacted him on ICQ, thanks. You can also pm me or preferably email to bonndan (at)

Depending on the CMS you use I can support the project more or less.



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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2009, 10:11:31 pm »
Very good proposals imho :)

Offline shevegen

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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2009, 11:45:59 pm »
I like the news updates, however maybe someone could make a short summary what is happened... been some time since the last update by now, maybe next week someone can put in some news? Or are you guys doing holidays finally :P


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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2009, 08:23:54 am »
I offered my help on condition that a CMS (no matter which) is used, but the admin insists on his solution to manually update one php file. This is totally fubar and matches the project -, quality- and communication management of this project. Rest in peace.


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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2009, 11:49:32 pm »
I was going to comment about "age of Twitter" and how the availability of instant gratification makes no comment about its value. Now I'll just say don't let the door hit you on the way out, eh?


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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2009, 07:28:49 am »
I was going to comment about "age of Twitter" and how the availability of instant gratification makes no comment about its value. Now I'll just say don't let the door hit you on the way out, eh?

Most tweets are nonsense, no doubt about that, but it could be used to communicate the latest developments to the crowd. Some projects (and companies) do. I don't say that is really necessary, it's just the total opposite of what's going on here.

Still, things haven't changed a bit (see the April update). Compare this project to or For me it's hard to believe that a group which is able to program such a complex game is not able to maintain communication to its audience. That's one of the downsides of open source: nothing stops you doing things wrong.


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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2009, 09:24:24 am »
Still, things haven't changed a bit (see the April update). Compare this project to or For me it's hard to believe that a group which is able to program such a complex game is not able to maintain communication to its audience. That's one of the downsides of open source: nothing stops you doing things wrong.

Yupz. I guess we cant really compare to wesnoth or wz2100. They have decided to come up with a much simpler game / interface, and keep it that way - simple.

Well, i know this is discussed but i think i want to reinterate a point here - We are aiming to constantly improve the system, interface, gameplay, storyline all at the same time. lol.

But i do agree that matt btaxis and the rest of the team should get feedback from all the actives users here:

1) Where the project should be headed for this nx release.
2) Charting our major milestones and work towards tat for each release, releasing a 'stable' version everytime tat milestone is achieved.
3) Inserting a new milestone in between existing ones only when the team agrees? :P
4) Get a more or less full time person to come up with the storyline already. (See notrium's way of coming up with the story - they have a competition for story part 1.... .then a few submissions for part 2, all the way to a GRAND FINALE of a 30 parts story!!! Talk about getting fans involved!)

My 1.5 cents worth...... lol


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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2009, 10:00:41 am »
Yupz. I guess we cant really compare to wesnoth or wz2100. They have decided to come up with a much simpler game / interface, and keep it that way - simple.


But i do agree that matt btaxis and the rest of the team should get feedback from all the actives users here:

I've played nearly every single player scenario of Wesnoth. Though the game might be a bit simpler than UFOAI, it's story and background is much bigger. And WZ2100 is a 3D game like UFOAI, it can't be much simpler (I nearly completed the game). The point is just that their communication is different.

A forum like this is nice for insiders, but only few people are reading all the threads and know what's going on. (I doubt many will answer your call for feedback.) So both end user and developer feedback will remain hidden here. And this forum is misused to post information which is not (primarily) meant for discussion. Convince whoever to install a CMS/Blog/whatever.

I'm not an IT senior, but I doubt your company would follow the same development approach. Couldn't you help to get some structure into the project?


Offline Duke

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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2009, 01:00:41 am »
I've already stated that I at least partially agree withyour ideas.

Simply complaining about 'nothing has changed' is not a good 'communication strategy' either imho.
'leading by example' is a much better strategy ;)

Why don't you just write *your version* of the the 'monthly update' and post it here, so the community will see the difference ?

On a sidenote: communication strategy should be independent from the tools involved.


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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2009, 05:51:48 am »
My experience...

I just found this game about a month ago.  I played the 2.2.1 release and it took me quite a while to get the hang of it.  The wiki and stuff are more incomplete than the game.  I figured out what worked and what didn't using what I could from the wiki and loved it.  In hunting for more information on playing it on the forums I realized everyone is using the 2.3-dev version.  I installed that and loved what I saw, but immediately hit the pathfinding and other bugs making it unplayable.  So I went back, read the last months of forums posts in most forums, starting reading the wiki for development stuff.  I am a c++/java/c# (and about a dozen other languages) programmer and thought I could help, thought I could fix the bug, but there is just so little outline and I have spent some time browsing the code, but I am not a big fan of C and don't know the Quake II engine so it will take me a while and I don't have that huge amount of time I would need to spin up on things (and I have largely been waiting to get a version that I can run and compile without hunting through the forums to figure out what I am missing in C::B for UFO Radiant).

I can't wait for 2.3 and this is one of the first Open Source projects I have found that I felt like I wanted to and could contribute to, but it is not 'easy' as a player or a potential contributor to get involved.  Right now my plan is to read the forums until I see something I can help out with, because I have no idea what, when or why when it comes to the wiki.  I huge part of the problem is I haven't been willing to devote the time to figure out where to even start or what I need to know.  I am use to finding a bug, grabbing the source, compiling it, finding the area in the code, reading some documentation about the specific area, fixing the bug, testing it, submitting it and moving on with my life.  That breaks down here because 'reading the documentation' is a hunt of forum posts and wiki posts, its prohibitive.  Criusmac had more determination (time?) than I did to actually get involved, but reading his post it seemed like he was fighting obstacles to try and help.  I think you are losing a lot of potential help.  Some specific points feedback:

- Pretty much everything a player will see is focused on 2.2.1 which is over a year old.  Its pretty obvious once you hit the forums that 2.2.1 is barely a memory in anyone's mind, but if you don't look at the forums you will hit up an incomplete manual and fiddle around with 2.2.1 and thats it.  The only thing that even made me really look into this was the monthly update on the front I realize it was still under heavy development, otherwise I would have assume that over a year since the last stable version = dead project.  I am not going to say to release things more often, its done when its done, but if it is going to be greater than say 6 months between any stable release, there needs to be some kind of "reasonably stable" dev version that people can try out and test and get a better taste of whats to come.  I.e. right now all the responses are, check out 2.3, but not really because it is under heavy development, find a version that works in X 10 page thread.  If a dev release works decently well maybe make a note of it on the wiki with some comments on where it will break so people can try a dev version without trying to figure out which ones could potentially be playable.

- The technical area of the wiki looks like my personal wiki.  Stuff is all over, linked to all over.  Its completely unclear what is current and what isn't and most of it has a large amount of assumed knowledge associated with (its not wikified).  This works fine for my personal wiki, the directory is password protected and no one other than myself should ever see it.  It probably works fine for most of the developers here, but it is a heck of a hurdle for someone trying to learn.

- The 2.2.1 manual was a huge help, but left me dying to know more a lot more.  I can see why no one has done much with it since it seems pointless with 2.3 so different.  There probably needs to be a good start with the 2.3 manual and while it will change a lot it could be ready close to go for the 2.3 release.

- Most pages in the wiki need some sort of "applicable to X version" page.  There is a lot of good information there, but if you actually find it it is impossible to know if it is current or not.  For example, I can go look at the Tweak weapons page and the weapons *.ufo page.  The last edit was July 2008.  I assume it was made for 2.2.1, but maybe it was made for the 2.3 dev version at the time?  Or both?  Is it still applicable in 2.3?  At the very least it needs to have a version it was written for and then it can be updated when the next release comes out and/or make notes about what has changed in the dev version.

- I don't know about a CMS, I mean the monthy updates are great but what else are you going to put there?  The daily SVN logs?  Forums are fickle, information gets lost and few new people read anything but the stickies (if that) unless they are searching out something specific.  I would try and make the wiki the focal point, make the main page updated with current notes and have at least all the pages that link from the main page be well designed and up to date.  There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of activity on there though.

Anyways I am trying to be constructive I hope no one gets offended; I am probably not saying anything that is new or that anyone doesn't already know, but thought it might help.  I am software engineer and am just finishing up two months of documentation work and just about want to kill myself (which is why I was hoping to jump in and start coding something neat), I know the pain of trying to write junk to explain complex things to people who know nothing.  If I can motivate myself maybe I will try and start doing a 2.3 user manual on the wiki or trying to figure out what needs to be update and how it might better be organized, it would be a good project for learning to code and figure out how things work and what needs to be done...


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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2009, 07:11:04 am »
I've played nearly every single player scenario of Wesnoth. Though the game might be a bit simpler than UFOAI, it's story and background is much bigger. And WZ2100 is a 3D game like UFOAI, it can't be much simpler (I nearly completed the game). The point is just that their communication is different.

Oh? U have done every scenario of the game? I have followed wesnoth since 0.1 days..... and i must say there are SO MANY scenarios (including fanmakes) it would be impossible to complete them all. Dun pull a fast one......

It IS btw, much simpler - in terms of programming and system structure. (If you have not been reading my lines properly...... i did not say GAMEPLAY was simpler, which btw, IS simpler, due to simple strategy planning and for most, a save load save load experience..... which is BAD IMHO).

A forum like this is nice for insiders, but only few people are reading all the threads and know what's going on. (I doubt many will answer your call for feedback.) So both end user and developer feedback will remain hidden here. And this forum is misused to post information which is not (primarily) meant for discussion. Convince whoever to install a CMS/Blog/whatever.

I'm not an IT senior, but I doubt your company would follow the same development approach. Couldn't you help to get some structure into the project?

Well, as u said it, I am a full time staff working and overseeing a dept..... it IS A full time job. This is an open source project which ALL OF US are NOT fulltime. Yes, we all spend our free time getting this fanmake (or rather, inspired-make) project going. And trust me, get ur hands dirty before you complain the place is dirty.

The folks up there doing the updates on the webbie - they are ALREADY doing very well. Anymore u want, u have to delve into the development yourself. Hmmmmph.

And oh the structure, FYI - there are such things as Project managers, Dept managers, programmers, programmers team managers, and many more in the real world. being 'senior' does not makes me a Super-odie. Hmmmm. haha. Ok? What i am suggesting are "SUGGESTIONS" to get those who actually can afford more time and are willing to track it for us. Yupz.

Sorry for this messy unorganised thread, but i haven slept for 30+ hrs...... been at the real world's work. :P


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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2009, 08:45:43 am »
The folks up there doing the updates on the webbie - they are ALREADY doing very well. Anymore u want, u have to delve into the development yourself. Hmmmmph.

OK, agreed. Wesnoth is simpler. Maybe they also have more resources in terms of contributors (why?).

UFOAI has made the last release one year ago, though there are people working on it constantly. (Wesnoth released 1.7 today).

I offered my help to get my hands dirty and take the communication to the Wesnoth level, but they rather stick to "Battlescape fixes and updates, including actor movement smoothness, ability to move multiple actors simultaneously, weapon balancing work, TU calculation fixes, bsp light loading and reaction fire fixes." (obviously I am a bit displeased).

Imho it's fair to compare UFOAI to other OSS games, they all work under the same conditions, be the app simpler or not. "Doing well" certainly applies to programming (and I really appreciate their work), but to communication/management?


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Re: Communication strategy
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2009, 09:10:39 am »
I've already stated that I at least partially agree withyour ideas.

Simply complaining about 'nothing has changed' is not a good 'communication strategy' either imho.
'leading by example' is a much better strategy ;)

Why don't you just write *your version* of the the 'monthly update' and post it here, so the community will see the difference ?

On a sidenote: communication strategy should be independent from the tools involved.

Are you, as an end user, really looking for "monthly updates"? Do you really want to read the summarised SVN commits?

I am not going to hang around in IRC and watch the discussion. Contributors, which deserve more appreciation for they work than they now get, should for instance blog short posts about who they are and what they are doing. That's something personal and makes it much more understandable why the next release takes another six months. An outsider like me can only maintain the tool and its contents, try to find sources of interesting content and maybe summarise some forum discussions.

I agree that the tools should not play a role, but using one file sftp-ed to SourceForge instead of the its hosted apps (for instance) is ... I dont know what to say.