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Author Topic: Nightly build not so nightly  (Read 2928 times)


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Nightly build not so nightly
« on: April 14, 2009, 02:02:54 am »
Hi guys, I started playing UFOAI last week and it seems like a lot of fun, but I've run into a problem.  From what I can see the only ways to get the game are:

1. The old 2.2 package.  Personally I don't like 2.2 all that much, 2.3 on the other hand is a great game.
2. Check the SVN.  This is slow, difficult to update, and the one time I've tried it I got a corrupted download.  Not that big of a deal, except it took me a good hour to DL and I'd plan on getting the new version regularly.
3. The "Nightly Build" package from the repository.  This would seem to eliminate most of the problems of the other two, I can get a fairly up to date game, it'll update itself so I don't have to download and reinstall every time I want to, and the file will be smaller since I'm not DLing that much.  The problem is, the Debian nightly build is about 10 days old right now.  Again, not a huge problem, except that the version on there has the save/load menu glitch where you can only save the game once.  Kind of a game crippling bug.  Now my understanding is that making a nightly build is usally a largely automated process, so I'm kind of confused by why it can't be kept up to date if it requires little or no work.  If I'm wrong then what about a monthly build or something?  Still pretty up to date and all, and if you used a version that was a week or so old then you'd know if there were any bugs to worry about.  I'll even do it myself if someone tells me how to go about doing it.

If nothing else can you change the one in the repo to one without that bug?

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Re: Nightly build not so nightly
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2009, 05:39:51 pm »
That repo isn't controlled by the Team neither we're creating those packages so cannot help.



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Re: Nightly build not so nightly
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2009, 09:00:17 pm »
Well then, if I were interested in doing an unofficial package and what not how would I go about doing that?

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Re: Nightly build not so nightly
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2009, 11:13:07 pm »