Technical support > Linux

Cant start UFO:AI

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im running the command via Terminal. ive also tried to run the game through the directory.

when i use ./ufo it says there is no such file/directory. when i use ./ufoai it says "./ufoai is a directory"

thank you all for your continued efforts

If './ufoai' is a directory then you chave to go into the directory :)

cd ufoai

If this does not work then type 'ls' and post here the output [also post the outpot when there is an error of any sort]

after typing what you said, i got "./ufo: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

the ls output is "base  gtkradiant  ufo  ufo2map   ufoai  ufoded  uninstall"

Ok, now you know how to run the game.

You simply do not have all the neceserly system components to run the game. See here:

This should tell you what you need to install to run it on your Ubuntu.

should i uninstall my previous installation of UFOAI?


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