Technical support > Linux
Cant start UFO:AI
Hello all. I'm a outright noob at linux AND computers. I downloaded UFO:AI ver. 2.2 and started the .run file which i downloaded from installation went smoothly and it finished with no problems at all. however, when i went to the directory and tried to run the executable file, nothing happened. any help would be appreciated =)
What message do you get on your console?
What linux distribution do you use?
There are several similar threads on this forum, did you try any of the proposed solutions in those topics?
There is a shellscript runs the binary. It sets working directory and so AFAIR.
i get a message that ask me if i wan to run the executable (ufoai) "In Terminal" "Display" "Cancel" or "Run". i tried the run command but nothing happens. i also try the ./ufoai command in Terminal but it says the directory doesnt exist.
i have Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Hardy
what is this shell script though?
Were are you running the command from?
I also think you try the wrong command. It is not './ufoai'. Try './ufo' instead.
When I am back at home I will give you the exact path you should be in while running the script [unless someone has this info already]
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