Technical support > Mac

Problem with build 23768 (03/29/09)

<< < (3/3)

Will do. Maps are still compiling (currently on shelter_room_e_b)

you can also compile only one and test it ;)

./ufo2map -quant 6 maps/farm
is the fastest way - then you can start the farm map via the skirmish menu (not +farm, but farm)


--- Quote from: Mattn on March 28, 2009, 11:50:37 am ---readded the second byteswap to trunk (it was removed a few days ago with my first swap "fix") - thanks

please let us know whether it works. and please also have a look at the bug items you reported on the tracker. i've left some questions for you.
--- End quote ---

Went by today, and it was closed.

I'm running windowed, not full screen.

New: Using build 23768, I got this in the console.log:

Mar 29 08:08:00 Kleiman-ibook kernel[0]: ATIRadeon9700::wait_for_rb_space: Overflowed block waiting for FIFO space.   Have 2, need 8. RBBM_STATUS 0x84116100

Now, my hardware is ATIRadeon mobility 9550.

This happened before I could even choose single player or multiplayer.

Oh yea -- Locked the system up, sound went into a loop, mouse did not respond.

Trying again to see if it repeats (and hitting "post" first ...)

[attachment deleted by admin]

I could not get it to repeat.

However, I did get this gem:

Grid_MoveMark: (117 119 0) s:1 to (117 118 0)
Grid_MoveMark: Not stepping up into higher cell.
Grid_MoveMark: This move is not optimum. 15 16
Grid_MoveMark: (117 119 0) s:1 dir:4 c:1 ol:13
Grid_MoveMark: (117 119 0) s:1 to (118 120 0)
Grid_MoveMark: Not stepping up into higher cell.
Grid_MoveMark: This move is not optimum. 12 17
Grid_MoveMark: (117 119 0) s:1 dir:5 c:1 ol:13
Grid_MoveMark: (117 1
Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at address: 0x68657220
[Switching to process 290 thread 0x9f03]
0x70010a68 in AUGenericOutputEntry ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x70010a68 in AUGenericOutputEntry ()
#1  0x70010c34 in AUGenericOutputEntry ()
#2  0x9453a600 in HP_IOProc::Call ()
#3  0x9453a28c in IOA_Device::CallIOProcs ()
#4  0x9453a140 in HP_IOThread::PerformIO ()
#5  0x94538b10 in HP_IOThread::WorkLoop ()
#6  0x945387d0 in HP_IOThread::ThreadEntry ()
#7  0x94526dc4 in CAPThread::Entry ()
#8  0x92ef6028 in _pthread_start ()

Somewhere, an invalid pointer hit something for ... the HP printer driver??? What?


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