Technical support > Mac

Disabling the signal handler

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How can I disable the signal handler for ufo-ai so that the macintosh can actually give the full stack backtrace?

Change gametype to 'Skirmish mode'
Could not find rank 'rifleman'
Could not find rank 'rifleman'
Could not find rank 'rifleman'
Could not find rank 'rifleman'
Could not find rank 'rifleman'
Could not find rank 'rifleman'
Could not find rank 'rifleman'
Could not find rank 'rifleman'
------- Loading game.dylib -------
LoadLibrary (./base/game.dylib)
==== InitGame ====
Map:wilderness  Offset:(0, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 118, 0) wpMaxs:(193, 197, 7)
Shifted wpMins:(128, 118, 0) wpMaxs:(193, 197, 7)
Tile bounds: (128, 118, 0) to (193, 197, 7)
Source bounds: (128, 118, 0) to (193, 197, 7)
Done copying data.
0   ufo                                 0x0019b780 Sys_Mkdir + 180
1   ufo                                 0x0019b7f8 Sys_Mkdir + 300
2   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x92f3399c _sigtramp + 68
Wrote keys.cfg
Error: Received signal 11.

That's not very informative.

All I could find was:

Kleiman-ibook:src michael$ egrep signal */*.c
common/net.c:# include <signal.h>
common/net.c:   signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

I run the game from gdb (on linux), and it can make backtrace.



I generally run from the disk image. I figure the same way that anyone will run the final program.

Running direct from the command line this time was a bit of an experiment, and plus I didn't want to go through rebuilding the whole thing just for a quick test.

Having to run from gdb just to get information needed to give to the developers? Well, if that's what it takes ...

you are talking about the automatically generated stacktrace?

maybe we should deactivate our own stacktrace feature for macos. can you send an example stacktrace from macos please?

Here's a sample from "World of Goo" on loading a custom level into the demo version (which apparently doesn't support custom levels)

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