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Author Topic: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)  (Read 38365 times)

Offline bayo

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #45 on: April 20, 2009, 10:58:41 pm »
Destructavator: for the hipoly and normal map, i talk about

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #46 on: April 20, 2009, 11:30:19 pm »
Ah! Thanks for the link, bayo, that cleared up my understanding of that concept.

As for the model, I've got a few more updates, hang on a sec...

OK, this version has a few more minor corrections, a skeleton, and I think the camo looks slightly better on this one but I feel it still needs substantial work.

Edit: Some of the grey things sticking out are the skeleton armature for animation, they of course won't be rendered in the game.

Before going on too much further, perhaps Winter and/or BTAxis could discuss what types of decorations and extras should be on the model?  (hoslters, pockets, pouches, etc.) - Rather than me trying to make something and then just asking "How does this look?"

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 11:36:16 pm by Destructavator »

Offline vedrit

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #47 on: April 21, 2009, 12:41:18 am »
I think it looks good. I'll start animating, unless someone has some complaints

Offline BTAxis

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #48 on: April 21, 2009, 12:59:06 am »
The basic soldier model isn't that important. Players are going to be equipping them with armour most of the time anyway, so spending too much time on it isn't advisable. As long as it looks suitable soldierly, it should be fine.

So that's basically the big issue from now on. Given a new base model and animations for it, we're going to need these animations applied to the armoured soldiers too. I don't know anything about modeling, so I don't know if that's even possible with our current models. Maybe they need to be redone?

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #49 on: April 21, 2009, 01:54:05 am »
In theory, the armored soldier should be fine without re-working the animation, though it would probably need some fine tuning so you dont get armor joints bending illogically.

As for the current models, from what I see, the female soldier also has the incomplete animation, aswell as the taman, and the sheevar, and the ortnok
Dunno what else there is.....But this is going to be the male soldier all over again....

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #50 on: April 21, 2009, 02:03:53 am »
I tried myself - before Vedrit came to the forum, to make new animations with the existing models, I couldn't get them to look good.  I have a feeling that if there are going to be new armor types and new animations, we'll need to replace the existing soldier models sooner or later, and I'd say sooner would probably be better.

If this latest version is acceptable as a base model - not actually used in-game, but something new models for every armor type is based upon, I'd be OK with it for anyone to grab the .zip file with the blender file inside of it (in that attachment), pick one of the armor types, and start making a version of it to use in the game.  (And as for my work on it, I'd be happy to stop here for now.)

As for the texture, every version based upon it would have a new texture created anyways.

So, BTAxis, if it's OK to go with this for a base, just say so, and Vedrit could start working on animations that could be applied to all the versions built from this.

P.S. - If we go with this, what license would be best for this base model?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 02:05:46 am by Destructavator »

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #51 on: April 21, 2009, 10:23:01 am »
Even if animation starts now, we could always add details to the model without too much trouble, couldn't we? As far as I can see the model is decent enough, though of course we'll want a better texture.
About the animation, we'd also like a prone animation to be made so we can add that to the game. There are no arrangements for this anywhere, so maybe mattn should comment about how to go about it.

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #52 on: April 21, 2009, 01:29:08 pm »
Even if animation starts now, we could always add details to the model without too much trouble, couldn't we?

Yes, that's the idea.

As far as I can see the model is decent enough, though of course we'll want a better texture.

As I said in my previous post, when the model is altered to add details (for each armor type), the whole thing will end up being re-textured anyways.

About the animation, we'd also like a prone animation to be made so we can add that to the game. There are no arrangements for this anywhere, so maybe mattn should comment about how to go about it.

I recall discussing this with Vedrit, who as I understand is prepared to make prone, crawling, and ladder-climbing animations as well as others.  I also suggested a new standing "idle" animation so that standing soldiers don't look like they're bobbing up-and-down in some synchronized "dance" like they do now.  (Perhaps multiple animations cycled at random, with delays could do the trick.)  Vedrit also had some other ideas, I believe.

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #53 on: April 21, 2009, 02:06:45 pm »
Okay, sounds cool.

Offline vedrit

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #54 on: April 21, 2009, 10:46:53 pm »
something that I noticed with Blender, is that once you start animating, you have to modify each verticie in each frame. Thats the issue I ran into with the older models and the incomplete animation.
There's surely a better way, but where Blender is the second modeling/animating program I use, I dont know it, and I cant find an accpetable file type for a go-between for Maya, the first program I learned.

However, I can think of an alternative, something I should have been doing already. I can make the skeleton, animate, and save as a seperate file. Doing this, I can import the skeleton and attach it, and never have to worry about re-creating the skeleton and animations for modifications to the model, aside from fine tuning. It also allows for added safety, should the finished product go corrupt.

I'll make a thread where people can suggest animations. Anything they can think of that would be good for UFO AI, and keep an updated list at the top of the thread

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #55 on: April 21, 2009, 10:54:26 pm »
Actually it's not that hard with Blender, you don't have to change every single vertex, just rotate the bones and insert a "key" or whatever it is called for each animation.

In other words, as an example, you can start with a starting pose, then press the "I" key (that's the key between "h" and "j" in the alphabet) in the first frame and choose "location and rotation" to *lock* the skeleton in place.  Then, after advancing several frames and setting up a new pose, select the skeleton again and press "I" again, same options, to lock a new keyframe.  It's actually a very fast and easy procedure once you've done it a few times.

If you want, I've actually done a little animation myself, and I can do a quick sample animation and upload it for you to play with.

I've also got screen recording software, I could easily make a little vid if that helps.

This might be easier than the method you are proposing.

Offline BTAxis

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #56 on: April 21, 2009, 10:55:24 pm »
No, the list of animations should be kept to that which fits the intended feature set of the game. Which means what we've got now, plus prone, plus ladders. Plus firing from the shoulder, except I am to understand that's in fact part of what we've got. Anyway, people suggesting animations isn't a good idea, because animations we're not going to use anyway will result in that much extra work for nothing - on every actor model.

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #57 on: April 21, 2009, 11:06:37 pm »
Destrucavator: Thats animating a finished model, not modifying an animated model. I tried it with the current male model, and, organic modeling skill aside, it didnt work.

BTAxis: Not every suggestion will be a good one, and, yes, many of the animations will only be for humandoid characters (Taman, Ortnok, human, etc), but I say its better to volunteer better work than require basic. Id rather do extra work on my own free will than have to come back later for animations that werent first put in, but decided to be put in later.

And, if I may say so, there are many combat animations that are lacking (Already put up the thread, and listed some there)
And we could put in some funny animations to be included in idleing (EX: When hiring people, someone could pick his/her nose, or run their fingers through their hair), to add some life to it

Offline BTAxis

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #58 on: April 22, 2009, 12:18:35 am »
My point was that the more animations you put on your list, the more are in actuality going to have to be made. In case you haven't noticed, animation work is among the least provided around here, and we're having a hard time completing the list as it is with a bare-bones set.

Now, I realize you're something of an animation volunteer, but what if you disappear? Who's going to take over? Nobody, that's who, and there's a great risk of us getting stuck with an only partially finished animation set that we'd have to trim down again out of necessity. So what I'm saying is, it's better to go for and complete those animations that are strictly needed. Only after that is the sky the limit.

Add to that my earlier statement that randomly suggested animations may never actually be used, meaning the animator will have spent time and effort for nothing. Even if you make an animation for a soldier riding a bike doesn't mean there will be any such situation in the game!
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 12:21:34 am by BTAxis »

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Re: W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)
« Reply #59 on: April 22, 2009, 12:37:16 am »
Once Ive started putting work into something, I dont stop unless either its been canceled or I am no longer needed. I could give you my cell number, if that makes you feel better.

As it stands right now, the list IS basic animations. Movement, changing positions, combat in the different positions, climbing. I dont know what your definition of "basic" is, but to me, that is it.

And I understand where your coming from. Anything other than what is absolutely needed will be put on the end of the animation list.

Side note: You know, BTAxis, me and you seem to disagree on quite a few things. Just thought that was kinda funny. Not good, but still a little funny