Development > Artwork

W.I.P. Potential new soldier models (Blender)

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Hey Destructavator, just wondering how its going with the model

It's goin', just not as fast as I'd like it to.

I had to clean up an infection that sneaked onto my computer (I backup everything, so nothing is lost), and creating the vest on the soldier without it looking like crap has proven to be a bit tedious and more difficult than I thought it would be.

Part of the problem is that I'm not fully sure of how I want the end-result to look, which I think makes the modeling a bit more difficult.

I'm wondering if simply adding pockets to the uniform would look better...

Yeah, I find that all my work is either too fast or too slow.

There have been a few viruses going around

Well, we could probably do something similar to what was done to previous models, and just have the pockets as part of the texture, and the vest as the equipable armor. Trashman has volunteered to do add-ons (Armor, etc), so when the model is good to go, we can pass it around, get some stuff done, and get a new model in-game. Sound cool?

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea - I'll start finishing up the rest of the model, the vest would be an add-on, etc.

That would certainly make this much easier for me and get things moving quicker.

I'll get to work on it tonight and parts of tomorrow if necessary.

Question: Is anyone available here that is good with model texture-making?  Or is that an area I'd have to do myself once the shape is finished?  I've already figured out some of the UV-wrapping stuff, texture groups, and seams, but I'm not very good at it yet.

FYI - The latest version of GIMP has a very easy-to-use camouflage generator that works very quickly, if someone else wants to do the texture.  Otherwise, if no one volunteers I guess I'll do it myself...

I dont know how good you are with the UV-unwrap, but I could load it into Maya, where I have quite a bit of experiance doing UV texturing.

Actually....come to think of it, I could probably fix the old model in Maya. Can we do 2 seperate male soldier models?


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