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Help with moding

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I need a little help with one thing I want to do.

Just for fun I wanted to add the Holey Hand Grenade from Antioch to the game. For that I copied the research and the weapon description for the plasma granade. With no modifications to the specs of the granade I wanted to see if it works. When I am testing it the granade is researchable, producable, equipable but I can not get it to pop up the fire mode menus and throw/lob it :/

I am talking here about modding the base 2.2.1. I see there plasma grenade is in a diffrent file than the rest of the weapons I moded in the other thread. Is there something I missed?

For your information I wanted it to have 9 'lob' modes named like 'Lob after1', 'Lob after 2' and s on ;) and only the right one would deal damage :D

maybe you forgot to rename the weapon_mod definition inside of the copied plasmagrenade spec? it must have the same name as the item you are trying to create.

Captain Bipto:


--- Quote from: Captain Bipto on March 16, 2009, 07:47:11 am ---

--- End quote ---

Nay, I already consulted this film before posting here aobut it ;)

--- Quote ---maybe you forgot to rename the weapon_mod definition inside of the copied plasmagrenade spec? it must have the same name as the item you are trying to create.
--- End quote ---

I think that was the only one line I did not check :/ Now it works and I will post it later afternoon. The blast is not so fun to look at, are there any other animations for the blast I could use, for example the rocket launcher? Will it work with something like a granade?

you can even do new particles - see our particle guide on the wiki


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