Technical support > Mac

Trouble getting 2.3 development to compile -- What do I do with the maps?

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--- Quote from: keybounce on March 14, 2009, 06:05:25 pm ---Be aware that the "Compile for Mac" page on the wiki pointed me at those 2.2 maps.
You might want to adjust that.

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I don't know that doc. Maybe it should be modified not to mention any version numbers as they will change by time..

--- Quote from: keybounce on March 14, 2009, 06:05:25 pm ---Also: I thought you said that the mac compiler did not generate compatible maps, and you had to use the precompiled maps.

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When playing multiplayer it's important to use the same maps. The game checks some checksums to be sure they're the same on all clients (maybe md5, not sure). Compilers on different platforms don't create binary-same maps due to differences in floating-point operations.
As the 2.3 isn't released yet there is no official map-pack for it. What you can use for a MP compatible build is map-get. However ufo2map (map compiler) may not the very latest on that service.



--- Quote from: geever on March 14, 2009, 07:03:40 pm ---I don't know that doc. Maybe it should be modified not to mention any version numbers as they will change by time..
--- End quote ---

It is


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