A very good point.
It should be rather easy to implement 'no more hiring of soldiers from unhappy countries'.
But what will happen to *hired* soldiers from a nation that turned 'unhappy' ??
a) they simply leave
b) they stay
c) they even turn against us in battlescape ?
I guess the latter would be *very hard* to implement, but at the same time, it also sounds *very interesting* 
Actually, i thnk tat once u have a soldier, it should stay YOUR soldier, unless u fire him.....
Do no modulate the loyalty for that reason please.
But the earlier point on once a country being unhappy - its good. Once they are unhappy, they stop supplying manpower - soldiers, scientists and workers and pilots.

Yeah, changes of soldier loyalty isn't modeled in this game. Once you hire them they're loyal to you, and will stay that way.
Ah, yes, this is wat i meant...... dun modulate loyalty.