General > Discussion
2.3 Don't Flame
Oh - cool! So it's just one map away from an ending? I had no idea - I thought it was a lot further away than that!
Is there a link in the wiki or something where we can look at progress on that item?
Thanks for the quick reply! :)
Well, a map assembly, really. Some of it is done, most of it isn't.
No not only one map. We still cannot go up on stairs AFAIK. (However I heard good news about that issue yesterday.) And much stabilizing so the game not crash (so often)...
We were talking about what was necessary for the game to get an ending, not what was necessary to get it to be stable and playable.
Yep - exactly. If there weren't any bugs/glitches, the topic would be about why the 2.3 release candidate isn't out. ;)
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