Development > Artwork

Animation for character models

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Actually, I knew very little of it. THank you.

Oh, and I didnt mention this before, but the models also have a crouching shoot-from-shoulder animation

Here's one of the most recent up-to-date yet still messed-up ones, I also have another that would help but is a little too large to attach directly to this post, hang on a sec...

Edit: Here it is (the other is attached directly to the post, farther down):

These two files do have issues - for one, a few vertexes* are in the wrong groups, so some of the "joints" are a little off, messing up animations (I haven't had time to correct each one).  Also, I can't get the skeleton armature to stay with the model in the existing animations, so in one of these files you'll notice that I attached the armature to the last ending frame for adding on additional poses at that ending point and onwards.

I hope these examples help you figure out how to (properly) animate these models as well as the rest - good luck!

BTW, once you get the bones properly set up, I'd suggest (to the devs as well) also having additional "idle" animations, picked at random by the game (subtle movements), as right now when soldiers stand in once place waiting for orders they all move slightly up and down in sync, looking like they are dancing to music when many are in once place on the battlescape.  Just a suggestion, although before implementing this I would first check with Mattn, BTAxis, etc.

*(This is probably the wrong plural form of "vertex" but my browser's spell check isn't giving me the right clues, sorry for the bad English.)

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I was thinking about what I would do for idle.
Way ahead of ya on that, lol
Thanks for the models. I'll load em up and see what I can do

And Dest, I think you can put the armature outside the model for easier animation. I personally dont like viewing in wirefram, lol

EDIT: As I begin animating the motion for the soldier to go prone, I notice that his hip and back joints are not connected. Move one, and it wont move the other, and I have no idea how to fix this


--- Quote ---And Dest, I think you can put the armature outside the model for easier animation. I personally dont like viewing in wirefram, lol
--- End quote ---

I had no idea that it would work unless it was inside - the way I learned it was from various tutorials that used armature on the inside with wireframe.  I guess it shows how much I (don't) know about 3d modeling programs.

--- Quote ---EDIT: As I begin animating the motion for the soldier to go prone, I notice that his hip and back joints are not connected. Move one, and it wont move the other, and I have no idea how to fix this
--- End quote ---

Yeah, that's another area where I messed up, as well as putting a vertex here and there in the wrong group.

I'd imagine that the two armature sections could be joined together just like any two objects, although I don't recall exactly what the command to merge/join/connect them is.  In fact, I think there's more than one command, although which one works for armature I really don't know, so you'll have to use Google for some research, post a question on a blender forum, or delete the armature and create your own (but keep the vertex groups to save time) unless someone else here knows (sorry!).

Well, I managed to make somesort of workaround using another armature and parenting.
You want it? The only thing thats changed, that I notice, is that if u move the waist, it will move it all, instead of just everything below the waist

Well, after remaking the bones, and figuring it all out, Im finally getting somewhere.

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