Technical support > Mac

2.3 Finally compiles but crash on trying to start a game

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I've compiled both on a 2gig ram and a 1.5gig ram machine both to the same result... It might also be worth mentioning that I've compiled on both a Intel based and a PPC based machine and the results are the same.

Are people able to compile on a mac without getting this malloc error as it stand or is it a temporary break in the code ?

Try making a new ufoai configuration/preferences directory, i.e. move (mv) ~/.ufoai to another location before starting the game. If that doesn't work, run an 'svn up' followed by 'make clean' and 'make'.

I am on a MacBook Pro, Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.5.6 and everything works just fine, other than known problems with pathfinding, etc.

Tried... with no success :(  I'm not sure what causes that...

It can be very usefull if you can run the game with a debugger, and provide a backtrace.

I'm not exactly sure as to how I should go about doing that... mind holding my hand a bit and baby-step me through it ?  I don't have much of a development environment apart from Xcode and its tools but i'm not completely familiar with even those... is there something I can use in there ?


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