Technical support > Mac

2.3 Finally compiles but crash on trying to start a game

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I've finally been able to compile 2.3 sucessfully after many many jumps through hoops and I've fired it up for the first time... It goes up to the main window but once I try to start a game, it quits without an error message or anything... Is there any way I can get more info as to what happened ?  I looked inside the console log and nothing seemed to be output there and I can't figure out what was the cause.  It was not a "Unexpectedly quit" thing with a finder error message; just a clean exit.

Any hints ?  Anyone had that happen and figured a way ?  Is there a break in the current code ? (I got revision 22808)

Any help is welcomed.

Did you run it from commandline? Plz, try if didn't. Also with these aparameters it gives more info:

--- Code: ---ufo +set developer 1
--- End code ---


I hadn't yet but now I did and I got a lot more feedback than I did though i'm not too sure what to do about it considering i'm not very familiar with the code yet.  While I'm trying to understand something, i thought I'd report about it here a bit.  I'll also include a transcript of the whole terminal output with the "+set developer 1" option set for more info if anyone wants.

Basically, the failing part is described as :
| Error: RS_AssignTechLinks: Could not get item definition for 'craft_alien_astrogation'

Or, in the developer 1 version as :
| INVSH_GetItemByID: Item "craft_alien_astrogation" not found.
| Wrote keys.cfg
| ufo(31554,0xa0362fa0) malloc: *** mmap(size=1292414976) failed (error code=12)
| *** error: can't allocate region
| *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
| ufo(31554,0xa0362fa0) malloc: *** error for object 0xe43e5e0: Non-aligned pointer being freed (2)
| *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
and the game doesn't actually quit but freezes.. not to sure how to interact with the debugging break that's been initiated but i guess it's waiting for me to do something about it...

Any help or pointers while i do my best figuring out a way ?

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How much memory you have? (also how big the page/swapfile can be?)

ps. note I don't know mac well.


Oh, missed this:
--- Quote ---| ufo(31554,0xa0362fa0) malloc: *** mmap(size=1292414976) failed (error code=12)
--- End quote ---
It wanted to alloc more that 1G, strange...



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