General > Discussion

Line of sight Vs Line of Fire

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Modelling information can be found here:


--- Quote from: BTAxis on February 18, 2009, 11:53:40 am ---Not to mention that not all models HAVE a head...

--- End quote ---

Ah yes, aliens... I forget :)  Thanks for the clarification

I've split this topic. The remainder, which is about model animation, has been moved here.

It'd be nice to be able to shoot down from rooftops without having to walk all the way to the edge just because the edge is blocking the LOF but not your LOS :(
Then again, aliens should be able to do exactly the same. Also, if players were able to shoot when the soldier's head is visible, wouldn't that create more annoyances with line of fire? Right now, you're pretty much forced to step out of the cover, just so that your waist-high cover doesn't block your LOF. Much like the aliens, I assume. And how would it affect reaction fire? Either lot less of firing, since the soldiers and the aliens wouldn't be able to get a clear shot, or lot more misses, since you'd see lot more heads peeking behind cover. You would have to be able to tell the soldier when it's ok to shoot. 10% to hit? 20?

Changing the LOF to your LOS seems like a nice idea... at first. But there are further complications and potential annoyances involved, as you can see.

This has been covered, and is, I should hope, being taken care of. The fire-from-shoulder animation has been found.
I agree on being able to tell the soldier when to shoot. Many times have I not taken the shot because it wasnt good.


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