Technical support > Windows
debug_map 1 will draw boxes that shows if a cell is accessible. To activate it: Open the game console (Sh+ESC), write the command in (+<return>), and close the console by hitting ESC.
sometimes it works, but most of the time it doesnt. I have to hope that the aliens are out of their ship
Vedrit, You might want to play with a more up-to-date build. Since your first post I've already uploaded a new binary:
...And this link is to one with re-built maps.
I don't know if that will solve the problem or not, but from looking at the SVN logs I can tell you I have seen work being done on the ufo2map program and what I'm guessing is the part of the game that deals with this issue.
Exactly what is different with the maps with this latest binary I couldn't say - you'd have to ask the coders - and I can't guarantee this would be a fix, but it might be worth a try. (Although your saved games might not work with the update, sorry.)
If you want to try getting an SVN copy and compiling it for the very latest version, I'm sure a number of us here can help you with that, if you get stuck following the wiki instructions.
well, like i say, it sometimes works.
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seriously...we need an alt for your installer destructor...its taken me several hours, and im nut sure this current download will finish
which it didnt
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