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Author Topic: A couple of suggestions.  (Read 3651 times)

Offline ulwen

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A couple of suggestions.
« on: January 19, 2009, 12:43:49 pm »
Let me start off by saying, awesome job so far!

The SMG does not have a suitable successor, going from SMG to plasma pistol just feels wrong. Introducing laser and plasma SMGs would be nice. They could come as a research project after Laser/plasma gun and rifle have been researched. I'm loving this weapon in 2.2.1 and it does a terrific job.

Another nice thing would be a riot shield to be used with a pistol or blade. This would probably cause they pistols and blades to have much more use than they currently have and make indoor combat a bit less nerv wrecking.


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Re: A couple of suggestions.
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2009, 10:00:38 am »
Let me start off by saying, awesome job so far!

The SMG does not have a suitable successor, going from SMG to plasma pistol just feels wrong. Introducing laser and plasma SMGs would be nice. They could come as a research project after Laser/plasma gun and rifle have been researched. I'm loving this weapon in 2.2.1 and it does a terrific job.

Another nice thing would be a riot shield to be used with a pistol or blade. This would probably cause they pistols and blades to have much more use than they currently have and make indoor combat a bit less nerv wrecking.

Here's my views on progressing from SMG.
For one, laser weapon can consider using lens to fray its output, causing a somewhat energy consuming shot but covers a wider scope, effecting it as a machine gun. This i would agree and can justify, just that developers need add a new weapon.

But having a plasma SMG, i dun think so. It sound bad, as plasma is meant as a shorter distance ammo, and no point have a machine gun that cannot gun further than a conventional weapon...... keep plasma rifle and granades as it is. its good.

And riot shield and blades.... nah, who needs a shield? It sound like more of a medival era already. lol.

But i did conceptualise something from your "Blade" thing.
I did read some Sci Fi stuff on aliens using some kind of light blade (laser / plasma, watever), somewhat similiar to the all farmiliar Light-Sabre. What we think of that? lol.
Fancy Cutting up the side doors of aliens ship / walls to surprise those hidden behind - our modern day door-crashers.

Offline ulwen

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Re: A couple of suggestions.
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2009, 03:35:01 pm »
My point is that the SMG is an agressive close range weapon. It is also a very lethal weapon. This means you'll have guys who are leveled up in "Close" but you don't want them to go with a pistol next.

As for melee weapons and shields being medieval, it's a game, and it would add flavor and playing styles. You could even add shield bash for stun damage ;)

I was not suggesting a change for the plasma rifle.


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Re: A couple of suggestions.
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2009, 12:36:01 pm »
My point is that the SMG is an agressive close range weapon. It is also a very lethal weapon. This means you'll have guys who are leveled up in "Close" but you don't want them to go with a pistol next.

As for melee weapons and shields being medieval, it's a game, and it would add flavor and playing styles. You could even add shield bash for stun damage ;)

Shields do not make sense in this game.
The alienweapons are that powerfull, that they will directly kill through it (i only see a use against one weapon, the plasmablade).

In all other situations the Shield will make your soldiers only more vulnerable to alienfire, cause they will get too slow.

And i see your reasons for plasma/laser SMGs, they would be effective in a range less than 50m. They will use less TU than Rifles and do more damage than a pistol (firing shots at a much higher speed).

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Re: A couple of suggestions.
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2009, 02:29:02 am »
Regarding swords and archaic weapons, I don't see how they would fit, unless someone wants a conversion MOD of the game...

Regarding shields, I've seen SWAT teams in action that do use armored shields, some with even small windows so that someone in front can be protected from bullets and other nasty stuff, but in the other hand such an officer/soldier/whatever typically has a pistol or other modern weapon.

I've never seen any modern military or law enforcement use a sword for anything, except for dress/ceremony-type-stuff, and I'd be very surprised to see such a thing implemented in the game (there was another thread discussing this that was quite lengthy).

...And yes, a laser SMG would be nice I think, at the start of the game I've found the standard SMGs to be quite useful on some maps.

Offline Lew Yard

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Re: A couple of suggestions.
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2009, 12:10:48 pm »
If one were positing new personal defensive equipment, "stuff that reduces chance of being hit" might be more plausible than "stuff that reduces effect of being hit" barring fairly extreme armor technologies.

Examples of the former that are in the game include -- the flashbang (less likely to be shot at successfully while opponents are blind), smoke (concealment, rather than cover... although laying down area fire through a smokescreen is not an implausible tactic if you have plenty of munitions and you think that somebody's moving *through* it.  Plus, do you have smoke that'll block all the opponent's spectra but not your own?  Or is it two-way, like thermal smoke blocking IR for both sides in modern-day warfare?).

There's also suppressive fire, but I don't know for sure that it's implemented in any form because the morale model for aliens might not be exhaustively documented in-game.

Toys that might not be completely implausible might include better camoflague (although *moving* isn't going to be good for hiding, no matter what you're wearing... nor is firing something with a nasty heat signature.  Firing a PIAT might not give you away, but are PIAT-style weapons likely to still be around?).  One could see adding scent and sound elements as well.

For what it's worth, there are presently man-portable fire-and-forget ATGMs that can deliver a decent payload.  This sort of thing is an improvement over previous anti-tank weapons, but is also useful for expensively tackling strongpoints without the operator needing to retain LOS for course correction.  See the FGM-148 for instance.  It is not entirely implausible that this sort of device would be refined in the future with, say, ways to target specific locations using triangulation from local transponders of some sort, providing a safer way to engage known or suspected strongpoints.

It might also be suggested that if one combines present-day research into sensor networks (often DARPA-funded, I believe...) with futuristic nanontechnology, it is not implausible that 'scatter cheap, really tiny sensors/communicators over the battlefield' would be a likely tactic to provide real-time battlefield intelligence.  The usual privacy qualms that would normally hamper deployment of a thorough surveillance network might be weaker than usual in the face of a planetary emergency.

Offline vedrit

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Re: A couple of suggestions.
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2009, 01:06:34 am »
that last idea would make the game too easy. Granted, it would really only provide 2D info, not showing whats going on beneath roofs, but still. Part of the battles is to find your opponent, planing so that your troops can see everything with no firing gaps between them

But tactical shields are a very good idea. They can be made of sturdier materials than the soldiers armor, and they live through more than one shot. I think they would be very handy for scouting groups or medics, or the leading edge of the attacking force, or ways to close off hall ways when defending a base
« Last Edit: February 11, 2009, 03:59:16 am by vedrit »