Technical support > Mac

Potential Bad News for pre-built Mac Binaries...

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I mentioned this in another thread - has anyone tried uploading a mac installer to FileFront?  I was using my own website before putting stuff on FileFront instead, which turned out to be easier with the Win32 builds.

FileFront is free, doesn't limit bandwidth or storage space, but because I don't have a Mac at home I can't try uploading a Mac file there to see if it works.

Been meaning to ask, played the 2.2.1 of mac and the earlyier ones, loved Xcom and this game is a great replay.

Been wanting to try the newer verisons 2.3.X but either bit not the time, lazy and such, or not so strong on my mac progarming skills.

What is the Total Complie size of the Mac Verison even if it is Only one that is a Month or every 2 weeks to be updated for upload/download for a site??

Solider did you hear something.
No Sarge i did not hear anything.

(Sudden Screams Heard over the Radio!)

It takes about 5 gig to download the source and compile everything into a disk image.

The resulting .dmg is about 550 MB

 552760 -rw-rw-r--@ 1 michael  michael  566020189 Mar 20 10:31 ufoai-2.3-dev-macosx-universal.dmg


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