Technical support > Mac

Potential Bad News for pre-built Mac Binaries...

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I know I promised a while back to offer access and space on my website for builds for Mac, Linux, and other files, perhaps even allow accounts for forum members here where they could store contributions, content, and other files, but after doing some research with my website hosting service I've found that there are limits I have on using the site I have for file storage.  Yes, I can set up accounts where things can be posted by others, quite a few in fact, and yes, the monthly traffic has no limit, but according to the terms my website has to be primarily for HTML and not mostly just for file storage.

After reading the terms I think that opening up accounts for storing files might be pushing it a bit, and I've already started removing some of the older Win32 Binary links that are obsolete.

The best alternative I can think of would be to zip up non-win32 builds into several segments and put them on the more commonly known file hosting services out there, preferably the free ones.

Sorry for the disappointment...

Do you have any idea at all what the bandwith requirements might be?   I have some servers I might be able to host the monthly mac build on if it's not too huge.

Hard to say - after reading your post I went to my online web control panel, but because the hosting plan I use for my website offers unlimited data transfer, it doesn't bother to give me stats in the feedback pages, and won't tell me how many times a file or folder has been accessed, it only shows stats for HTML page views.

I will say that the installer is over half a gig, and that quite a few people download the installers.  To give you some idea, you can check how many times the sticky for Windows 2.3 Development builds has been read in this forum, compare it to the date of the first post (Sorry, I just forgot what is was), to get some idea of how many people use those builds directly from this forum.  Please keep in mind though, that I don't think guests (non-forum members) increase that count, I've seen quite a few guests read that thread (almost every time I check who's online, some guest is looking up a link), and also people copy those links to other forums outside of this website elsewhere on the net.

The best answer I can really give is "try it but be careful and monitor your bandwidth and data transfer frequently."

I'm still willing to do the builds.  I just need a server to put it on.
So let me know if anyone else has one available.

Steven Jackson

I may be able to provide a host for the mac builds. Will depend on how much the bandwidth turns out to be.


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