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Author Topic: International moral as a source of money in 2nd Release  (Read 6165 times)


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International moral as a source of money in 2nd Release
« on: July 28, 2006, 11:57:18 am »
I guess implementing borders, nations and different moral values will take a lot of work maybe too much for now. But as it is now, one shouldnt leave it. If I dont go to missions in RC3 all I get is a message "3 civilians killed - this costs 1000$". This is no good. Rather one should get something like "300 civilians killed. The international communitiy is shocked".
Anyhow I want to suggest a way how one could bring a campaign into the current game. Enter a short float "imoral" - international moral, that represents the overall satisfaction of the UN with PhalanX work. At start it should be 0,5. When it goes below 0,1 you get a Failure (see Design), when it goes above 0,9 you get some final mission or something.
Now how does it change. Id suggest there to be a FILO snake with mission results, lets say of length 20. At the beginning they are all filled with 0,5. When a mission is finished it is evaluated and pushes one old mission out. The new average of the snake is taken (sum all elements / length) this is the new value of "imoral".
How to evaluate missions. Missions where you dont go should get random results from 0-5% corresponding to the number of civilians killed. In Missions that you finish there should be your achieved credits simply divided by the maximum credits possible (i.e. no civilians + soldiers lost).
Finally every month the "imoral" should be multiplied by 2*the money you get at the start, and that would be the income.