I just tried this on my machine that I use to compile UFO: AI for Windows, running XP Home, and it wouldn't compile:
||=== ufo2map, windows_debug ===|
F:\Codeblocks-PrePk\MinGW\include\jconfig.h|25|warning: "HAVE_STDLIB_H" redefined|
F:\Codeblocks-PrePk\MinGW\include\SDL\SDL_config.h|67|warning: this is the location of the previous definition|
||=== ufo_ded, windows_debug ===|
F:\UFOai\src\common\net.c|44|wspiapi.h: No such file or directory|
||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 2 warnings ===|
||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 2 warnings ===|
(This is from Codeblocks IDE.)
I'm guessing XP Home doesn't include some things that would be needed to compile with W2K compatibility.
I'm not a veteran coder, but if I happen to be right is there somewhere I could download a library to include that would add W2K support with the change in this thread?