Technical support > Mac

2.3 binary for mac osx?

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I've followed the wiki and make bombed out even after I read the wiki and related forum thread.  Are the monthly binary builds posted anywhere?

No.  There isn't a server yet to put it on.

Actually there might be now - I've started putting dev builds for Windows on Filefront, which seems to work better than my own website.

I've checked out FileFront, an account is free, they have massive capability for storage and bandwidth, don't limit storage for any user, and it appears they allow files for any platform, not just Windows.

When I recently opened an account there, it only took a few quick minutes.  I was also able to upload much quicker to their server, only took about a third of the time compared to FTP to my website account.

I'll try it out and put up a test release when i have a chance.
I'll post back the results.

There is a binary at

This is build 23530. It runs, but does not properly display skirmishes on my iBook G4 mac.

Let me know if it works, or does not work, on other macs.


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