Technical support > Mac

Don't know how to start the game...



Thanks to the heroes who made this game, that looks to be awesome, and giving it away for free.

I'm sorry if my questions seem stupid or whatever, but I really don't know or understand anything about how computers and programs work, I just enjoy using them... I've been reading some of the other topics, but couldn't figure out how to solve my problem. Maybe I just don't understand what people are talking about.

I've downloaded the 2.2.1 .dmg file. It contains a file called When I start it I get a picture of three people standing on a disk, and there is a text saying "download this game from (website for the game)". What am I supposed to do to make it work? Do I have to have an Intel-mac? Is there a way to install the game that I haven't figured out?

I would greatly appreciate some help as I am looking forward to playing the game.



I fell like a complete idiot.

I couldn't see the loading bar at the bottom of the window, discovered it by accident. The game is running now.

I apologize for wasting forum space.


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