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Some Questions during Gameplay

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catachanfighter. If you're having problems with the civilian deaths in single player games, I would recommend downloading the latest 2.3 installer from here:
It's got more bugs then 2.2.1, but also a lot of improvements (like no civilian death limit). The latest one even has new maps. I haven't tested it personally, but your other choice is to go through a sizable amount of files looking for the value.

Edit: I don't know why BTAxis didn't answer your last question, but yes, experience is gained during missions for performing particular activities. This link: states the speed at which experience is earned (I feel these are too slow, but that is a discussion for a different thread).

I think part of the reason it gets difficult to answer questions about 2.2 and 2.2.1 is that they are old versions, and most of us have been working on developing or testing 2.3.  Just like BTAxis, I don't have either 2.2.x version installed anymore, its been quite some time, I think over half a year now?

On the other hand, 2.2.1 is much more stable, while 2.3 is going under such heavy development it has bugs appearing and disappearing...

BTW, if you still have other questions about any version, you can probably find what you're looking for by searching this forum, as almost everything has been brought up in some shape or form.

2.2 has a hard civ death limit.

2.2.1 has a percent happiness that civilian deaths impact.

So if your using 2.2.1 there wont be a civ death config.

See change log for 2.2.1 .


I myself have not yet tested the latest game version, because I want to wait and then check on what has improved meanwhile :-)


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