First, I am from Germany, so please ignore my mistakes
Years ago I was a great fan of Xcom 1. I was very happy when I found the Open Source project UFO - ALien Invasion.
Yesterday we played the game all the night. During the game me and my friends got some questions.
I would be happy if somebody could help me.
Here the questions:
1. In Xcom 1 there was the opportiunity to buy some "Minitanks". We haven not found a tank in the game. Is there the oportunity to develope a "Minitank"?
2. We played the campagn about ten hours. We tought we make a great game. After a Mission there appeard a message on the screen. I do not know the original text of the message but it was about: The UNO stopped the project PHALANX, because too many people died of alien invasions.
We finished all(!) terrorist attacks successfully. But, I do not know if it is neccessary to know, we have only one Base in Europe.
Could it be possible that one base is not enough to recognize all ufos all over the world?
What could be the reason of this message?
3. In Xcom 1 the soldiers get experience and new badges after successfull missions. Is it implemented in UFO - AI too?
Thank you for helping!