General > Discussion

Base-building: Layout of first base

(1/3) > >>

The layout of the first base is far from ideal
when thinking about defending against a base-attack.

Can someone comment about this,  e.g.
if this vulnerable layout is intentional ?

My suggestion for base-layout (using only the
buildings currently in the first base) looks like:

__  _0_  _1_  _2_  _3_ _4_
0: xxx xxx xxx Han-gar
1: xxx xxx xxx xxx Stor
2: xxx xxx xxx xxx Acc
3: xxx xxx xxx xxx Qua
4: xxx xxx Lab Pow Cmd

But that storage between hangar and access-lift
should better be replaced with an cheap interceptor...

I remember hearing someone say on the fourm that the buildings are or will be movable. I like that idea. Not very realistic (costs a lost), but no micromanagment needed...

Changing the layout of the first base only requires some changes
to basemanagement.ufo, and I already did so.

The questions are:
* is it advisable, with regard to game-balance ?
* what is a sensible layout for the first base ?

the currently layout is a random layout i've done at that time i've written the ufo file. if you don't like it - patch it. i noone complains... the patch will be commited.

About that 'interceptor"-building (for anti-air-missiles):
the price is low, so I would like to include one in the first base.

But we also have an aircraft named "interceptor", which might lead
to confusion (e.g. interceptor-building as hangar for interceptor-plane?).

I suggest renaming one or the other.


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